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Roland Sachsenhofer
170 articles

Hawker Hurricane: King´s Cup 1950

June 3, 2019 · in Aviation · · 7 · 2.5K

This is a very special : the last to have been produced, one of the last still flying, a film star... and it played its role in a great love that should not be...

I m using the Hasegawa kit of this racing Hurricane to reproduce its elegant dark blue and gold appearance. It was thought as a quick and refreshing project beside the "Tunnan" triple, but it developed its own challenges. One of it has been to get the all over blue vivid enough for representing a real aircraft. Therefore I sanded two or three times the painted surfaces. At least yesterday the decals could have been applied. This is the recent condition you can see on the last pictures.

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8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. Nice job on that 'pit...good work.

  2. Coming along! I would have never thought of the Hurricane as a racer.

  3. Looks good, Roland.

    You tantalized us with some fact-type things but you didn't tell about it much! Said you: "
    This is a very special Hurricane: the last to have been produced, one of the last still flying, a film star… and it played its role in a great love that should not be… "

    Last produced? Film star? Last still flying? Role in a Love story? Come on ... cough up some details! LoL!

  4. Thank you for your feedback - I am glad that I have aroused your interest!
    Hurricane PZ 865 was indeed the very last Hurricane ever produced.
    Famous Peter Townsend, a Hurricane related war Hero , flew this machine to the second place in the 1950 Kings Cup competition- and he did won the heart of Princess Margaret, sister of later queen Elisabeth II, whom he had met at the events surrounding this race. This liaison lasted for some time, but was finally terminated by the conservative royal family.
    PZ 865 was also one of the Hurricanes flown in the famous 1968 production "Battle of Britain".
    Nowadays part of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, it shows the colours of Hurricane Mk IIC HW840, coded ‘EG-S’, of 34 Squadron, South East Asia Command during 1944.
    It´s frequently flown on airshows...

    Quite an interseting aircraft I would say! 🙂

  5. For further information and pictures look here for example:

  6. Finally finished- this was really a pleasant kit!
    That deep blue and the golden lines really make this sturdy thoroughbred to something very elegant, I guess!I hope you like the pictures!

    11 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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