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Graf Zeppelin

August 14, 2019 · in Ships · · 7 · 8.5K

My latest Ship, the Graf Zeppelin with the excellent KA Models upgrade

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14  Awesome

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7 responses

  1. Another beauty. I really like your work.

    I can just see 109s operating off a carrier deck in the North Sea - the only airplane more inappropriate for a carrier deck than a Seafire.

  2. Nice! Looks awfully worn and weathered just like during a cruise on the North Sea. Like Tom says, operating 109s on an aircraft carrier must be awful.

  3. Gorgeous work. She looks like she spent some time in the North Atlantic.

    I imagine deck landing in a navalized 109 would have been as nerver wracking as in a Seafire with that narrow wheel base.

  4. Superb work on the weathering

  5. Mayhap they would have bought back the HE100 for this gig. Wide track landing gear. Or later the FW190. As been said, very nice model, very "busy" looking for sure.

  6. Beautiful, inspiring work.

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