K-19 Soviet Sub , Russian Flagman 1/350 kit
K-19, 1959 'The Widowmaker" was one of the first two Soviet Submarines of the Project 658 class, the first generation nuclear submarine equipped with nuclear ballistic missiles. 1/350 scale Russian Flagman kit.
Nice little build, Stu (love your paint collection) π π
Thanks for the compliment Craig.
Never enough "paint"
Great job, shades of the cold war.
An amazing amount of research books available . . .https://www.google.com/search?q=soviet+submarine+history+book&client=safari&channel=macbm&sxsrf=ACYBGNSFWskVlT32MrmWbdwr63U3iSu7ig:1567910729362&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=92p-tw45P9y5OM%253A%252CWHyDxuS-nhWgEM%252C&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kReg6l33TOARUc1jP_ugBG6QNhhvQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjAoMDQmsDkAhWNsJ4KHULfDTQQ9QEwC3oECAQQDA#imgrc=92p-tw45P9y5OM:
π β¦ Greetings β¦ π :
So pleasing to se this one Stu. I still have my K-19 in storage ( already built ), I was hoping to bring it home, but still working here after Hurricanes IRMA and Maria.
But I will post when I get it here.
Pleased to see you liked my K-19 effort. Do post yours when
available, DE4EVER