K-19 Soviet Sub , Russian Flagman 1/350 kit
K-19, 1959 'The Widowmaker" was one of the first two Soviet Submarines of the Project 658 class, the first generation nuclear submarine equipped with nuclear ballistic missiles. 1/350 scale Russian Flagman kit.
Nice little build, Stu (love your paint collection)

Thanks for the compliment Craig.
Never enough "paint"
Great job, shades of the cold war.
An amazing amount of research books available . . .https://www.google.com/search?q=soviet+submarine+history+book&client=safari&channel=macbm&sxsrf=ACYBGNSFWskVlT32MrmWbdwr63U3iSu7ig:1567910729362&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=92p-tw45P9y5OM%253A%252CWHyDxuS-nhWgEM%252C&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kReg6l33TOARUc1jP_ugBG6QNhhvQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjAoMDQmsDkAhWNsJ4KHULfDTQQ9QEwC3oECAQQDA#imgrc=92p-tw45P9y5OM:
So pleasing to se this one Stu. I still have my K-19 in storage ( already built ), I was hoping to bring it home, but still working here after Hurricanes IRMA and Maria.
But I will post when I get it here.
Pleased to see you liked my K-19 effort. Do post yours when
available, DE4EVER