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Rob Pollock
195 articles

Euro Expo 2018 (formally Euro Militaire)

September 28, 2018 · in Show Reports · · 10 · 4.4K

A few photos of the show at Folkestone last weekend, courtesy of our club Chairman, Paddy Allen.

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

23 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Is it just me, or was that Morgan Freeman under that turban?

    Some incredible work on display - way more talent that I have!

  2. Very nice pics and some excellent models! Thanks for posting!



  3. Greg (@gkittinger)

    "Is it just me, or was that Morgan Freeman under that turban?"

    I'm not sure, as I don't recognize that particular bust, but it could very well be, in one of his roles as an Arab. For instance Robin Hood, but I'm leaning to his recent role as Ilderim (a Moorish Sheik) in the 2016 Ben-Hur (Sheik Ilderim-Ben-Hur) .

    There are plenty of busts (and figures), depicting real people/actors in known movies.
    Russel Crowe, Bradd Pitt, Sean Connery, Peter O'Toole, Rudger Hauer, Johnny Depp, etc...



  4. Some great work there! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Some impressive work on display!

  6. Some VERY impressive work there.

  7. Fantastic work on display. Thank you for sharing. I've attended this show two times in the past and have some very good memories of it. Would love to visit again some time.

  8. Thanks for sharing the event! Nice pictures!

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