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Sebastijan Videc
45 articles

MiG GB - MiG-21MF 'Fishbed-J', a special kind of Czech

September 9, 2019 · in Aviation · · 12 · 2K

There's not much point discussing Eduard's 1:72 line of MiG-21s - excellent kits, decently priced and with overwhelming details. The only thing I did to improve the looks, was to sand the intake ring from the inside, which gives a much more accurate overall look, compared to the rather fat lipped one out of the box. For more info on the kit, check my first MiG-21 article:

Camouflage was achieved using the Syhart Decals sheet. Those are not specified for any particular kit, but I found the fit surprisingly good with just a little bit of trimming required here and there. There's plenty of spare decals provided, too. I would go with masking, though, if I'd do another one.

All in all, a nice looking MiG for my display cabinet and a fitting first finished build for MiG Group Build.

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7  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. Stunning work, sir...I'd never attempt to mask this scheme by hand no matter the scale.

  2. Came out great! I've got this exact decal set and a couple of Fujimi MiG-21's - one of which will wear this scheme. You really did a great job getting those decals to lay done nicely.

    • Thanks, Greg! Good luck with the Fujimis. Since they're somewhat a hybrid between MF and bis, you might have more problems applying them, then I did. Luckily there's enough spares to play around with them a bit.

  3. Wow, that must have been quite a decaling marathon. It came out really well though. Nice job.

  4. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    WOW … this MIG - 21 has caught my attention Sebastijan and more so in that scale, absolutely stunning work. Your decal work and skills are very commendable, great work.

  5. You might try masking and painting that - me, thank goodness for decals!

    Really nice work on a very interesting scheme.

  6. A great job ! Love that scheme.

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