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Roberto Colaianni
28 articles

RAF No 41 Squadron Tornado, Revell 1/72

October 8, 2019 · in Aviation · · 13 · 2.5K

This is another build, OOB, made for the same collector order to me the RAF 41 Squadron Typhoon.

It's a Gr4. Starting kit GR 1 . Few modification has been scratch build to convert Gr.1 in Gr.4.: mainly second gondola under the nose, removal of the left gun.

I acquired a second set of Storm Shadows from a similar kit, this configuration has been tested in flight by another 41 Sqn. Tornado.

This is the second model I succesfully dispatrech by currier, without loosing a single pice due to rude treatment.

Unfortunately, I made a mistake, I open the wing at the maximum angle allowed by the kit, but this is far in excess of at least 10 Β°

Very sad.

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

13 responses

  1. If you hadn't confessed your "crime", Roberto, I doubt any of us would have noticed. Beautiful result here.

  2. Another nice piece of modeling, sir...very nice indeed.

  3. πŸ™‚ … Greetings … πŸ™‚ :
    Nice work Roberto, looking very sharp.

  4. Really well done. We'd have never known about the wing angles if you hadn't mentioned it.

    Superb Tornado, Roberto!

  5. Absolutely wonderful work on your Tornado. Another very nice jubilee version.

  6. Hope the note atout the wing sweep angle will prevent other modelle, to make the same mistake.

  7. Hello Roberto,
    Very much impressed with your skills.
    The "weapon load" is amazing.

  8. Another very nice model! Love the colors, and with those 4 missiles it looks loaded for bear!

  9. Super work Roberto.

  10. Great looking paint scheme and a really great job on the kit. It is hard to believe that it is 1/72. Also a great looking background in the photo. Cheers

  11. Looks amazing, where did you get the decals from, I want to recreate a 41 sqd tornado for my dad as that is where he used to work arming tornadoes, once again, really impressive

    • It Is and Extradecal sheet, purchease by Hannants, code X72138. If I Remember well, It Is existing in 1/48 too. Regards, Roberto. PS in my gallery you can find a Eurofighter with the same color.

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