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Scott Nelson
134 articles

A “Ford” I Like

November 22, 2019 · in Aviation · · 11 · 1.6K

We all run into those kits that for one reason or another turns into a challenge to complete and takes much longer than anticipated. Well this one turned out to be one of those for me. I won't bore you with the details except to say that Walthers Solvaset and Testors Easy Lift Off work great!

So, here is my making an even dozen kits completed so far this year.

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

4 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. One Fabulous 'Ford'!

  2. Excellent build of an aircraft that doesn't get built much!

  3. Love the F4D - yours looks great.

  4. Nicely done Scott , I like it.

  5. That’s a great looking Ford. Congrats on making it so sharp.

  6. Well done. Build and finish look great.
    The Skyray….one of just a few models in 1/72 available from Tamiya. A good one.

  7. Thanks for the compliments. Since I have some extra decals I lan on doing one or two more of these cool looking birds.

  8. Your first sentence is so true. Looks like you won though, Scott; that's a really nice finish.

  9. Looks great. And knowing the back story makes it all the more impressive.
    Also, great milestone for the year. Are you going to make it a baker's dozen?

  10. I've got this kit - hope it turns out as nice! Well done.

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