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Dennis Meyers
108 articles

Airfix 1:72 Bristol Blenheim Mk.1

November 5, 2019 · in Aviation · 7 · 1.8K

The famous RAF airliner/bomber/fighter. This is another fine Airfix kit, although with some rather fiddly bits that means that this is not for the inexperienced modeler. The cockpit glazing was 3 seperate clear pieces sandwiched in and around several forward fuselage pieces that held all of the cockpit detials (which I supplemented with and Eduard interior PE set). The PE details were great but agian fiddly and hardly visible under the glazing. The PE should be skipped unless the cockpit is going to be open.

I tried several firsts on this kit. I used AK elastic putty for the masking. It was very easy to apply and shape to the correct pattern. One caution. I let the paint dry a while before removing the putty. Some little sections of paint on the putty remained with the paint on the plane like little gills flapping in the wind. I brushed this with a stiff paint brush to get them off.

I also tried to achieve a mottled "dirty" effect by using an Artool Texture effect template. After appling the camouflage color I sprayed a slightly lighter shade through the stencil and then blended that with a light dusting of the original color.

For the last 'first' I used AK Weathering Pencils- Rust and Streaking set- to weather the exhausts. These are very effective and much easier to use than pigments and fixers or traditional paints. When applied with a wet brush they lay down smooth to a nice matt finish.

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10  Awesome

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7 responses

  1. This 1/72 kit is really amazing, and you have really brought out all its good features. I was really surprised by it when I did mine, it's almost as detailed as the 1/48 kit.

    Great work!

  2. That is a very impressive work. Have one from revell but to build in Portuguese colors. This is a great inspiration.

  3. Nice! I love it!

  4. Excellent result! Looks like all your experiments paid off nicely. Well done.

  5. Looks really great! I might have to try those pencils

  6. Nicely done Dennis, I like it.

  7. Looks great, Dennis. You’ve inspired me to try that AK putty.

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