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Robert Knaack
44 articles

Revell Porsche tractor

December 31, 2019 · in Uncategorized · · 7 · 2K

I ran across this little beauty in the hobby store and just had to have it. I recently finished (and posted the article for) the Cutty Sark clipper, and after all that tedious rigging I decided this would be a nice break. It is a snap-together model, so there was really nothing to the assembly, and so I decided to put some effort into weathering the paint instead. I tried the "salt" method for the very first time, which I learned about here in iModeler. I primed the wheels and parts of the with rust-colored enamel, and sprinkled table salt onto the paint while still wet. When it dried, I painted the finish coats. For the cream color on the wheels, I used Testor white with a drop of Testor yellow, and it came out about right. After that dried, I then chipped off the salt crystals. The outcome is pretty good, in my opinion.

For the red, I painted everything Testor gloss red, then went over the upper surfaces with red mixed with white. It came out a bit more "pink" than I wanted, but I went with it anyway.

It was a fun kit, nice break from rigging ships and planes! I hope 's "Tractor Series" someday has more than just one tractor kit in it!

Happy 2020!

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11  Awesome

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7 responses

  1. Nice build. I reckon that pink tinge is pretty accurate. Red paint is notorious for fading to a powdery shade of pink.

  2. Im a farmer but I'd never heard of Porche tractors! So many gags so little time πŸ™‚

  3. Beauty! 1950's vintage I'm guessing.

  4. Nice Porsche Robert!
    A company not known for its tractors - you learn something every day!
    Best wishes for 2020!

  5. πŸ™‚ … Greetings … πŸ™‚ :
    Nice good work on that model Robert, that weathering and chipping on those wheels
    look very convincing.

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