The Class of 2019: Completions, and a couple major repairs...
Hey Folks!
At the end of the year, it's always nice to see everyone's , 'Year in Review'! I do have a couple that are close, but they won't count, because this article deals with completed kits.
All these kits are 1:48 Scale, from multiple kit manufacturers.
First up, is Hobby Boss's F4F-3 'Wildcat' finished in a Yellow Wings scheme. This aircraft was assigned to VF-72, and flew from USS Wasp, for neutrality patrols during 1939.
Next, is Tamiya's very new, Ki-61-I. A fabulous kit that is engineered so well, it's mind boggling. Totally gorgeous kit, and a real pleasure to build. This is finished as an aircraft from the CO of the 2nd Chutai of the JAAF's 68th Sentai, Maj. Takeuchi Shogo. Maj. Takeuchi was killed in this aircraft on 23 December, 1943. After a fight with USAAF P-47's, in which it sustained damage. On final approach to his base, the Tony's engine quit and it crashed into the jungle.
Third is Tamiya's awesome P-47D-27-Ra, "Thunderbolt". What can be said of this kit, that has not already been said? Great build from one end to the other, and can't wait to build another! Markings are those of 'Georgia Peach II', and aircraft flown by Capt. Edward Curry Powell, 510th Fighter Squadron, 405th Fighter Group, France, late 1944.
Number four, is a Hasegawa P-40K as a Kittyhawk Mk-III. This was the long tailed version of the 'K'. While the kit does have a few build issues, it's still the best P-40 kit on the market...and the build issues are really based around all the plugs and glue in panels that Hasegawa uses to get the maximum amount of millage from a mold.
Marking are from the kit, and represent the mount of Pilot Officer Geoffrey B. Fisken, No 14 Squadron, RNZAF, Based at Guadalcanal during the summer of 1943.
Five. The Airfix Bristol Blenheim Mk.If, which is a fantastic kit, and one that was really missing from main stream kits. Great job by Airfix, and another I hope they make a couple of different marks of. By the look of the sprues, that is exactly what we will be seeing...if not already
Markings are for a machine assigned to No. 29 Squadron, and based at RAF Digby, UK, during June, 1940.
The sixth, is my latest build, Tamiya's D-520. Another awesome little kit that went together so well, and so fast, my head spun. Great build and I loved the kit. One thing I need to clear up. A French gentleman pointed out, that French aircraft did NOT use an aerial wire on their radios. The used two separate antenna masts instead. One one the spine, and one on the belly that was deployed during flight. The pictures I've posted, show the antenna aerial. Rest assured however, that it has been removed.
Markings are for a machine assigned to G/CIII-7 and piloted by Frech ace, Denis Ponteine, 5 June, 1940.
And a surprise, a model I had not posted here for some reason, a Nichimo Ki-43-Ic "Hayabusa" One of my favorite kits much so I picked a couple more at a recent show! Tons of markings options for these, and the BEST Ki-43 in any scale, hands down! Love there little gems!
Markings are for the aircraft of the 3rd Chutai / 50th Sentai. It was based in Burma during January 1943, and was flown by M/Sgt Anabuki Satoshi.
On top of that, I fixed a model that received significant damage when it fell from a shelf. This happened a few years back and I finally got my stubborn German up, and sat down and MADE that kit look presentable again. It's not gonna enter and contests, but it still looks good enough.
Also repainted a Tamiya A6M3, Model 22, that I had marked incorrectly.
All in all a productive year for me with seven completed, two repaired, one almost done, (A Stormovik) and one from a shelf of doom that will make it's appearance early in 2020...(SM.79). I'd like to see what everyone has done this past year too.
Man great group of builds! Really love the yellow wing Wildcat and the KI-61!
Great builds all around Frederich! Love the US planes, but that Airfix Blenheim looks great as do the Japanese planes. That Nichimo kit looks surprisingly good, and though I'm partial to building US planes (an effort to limit excessive stashing), I gotta say that the Tony is one of my favorites, and the Tamiya stars on the box makes this one tempting... The interesting schemes such as your fantastic mottling make it doubly tempting.
I'm hoping to find time to share some of my 2019 builds as well!
It looks as if you had a good year, and I'll try to post up my completed builds in a day or so as you requested (time permitting). These are some fabulous builds Freddie. Its hard to pick a favorite, but I'm always drawn to anything with "Yellow Wings"... So my top two would be the Wildcat for obvious reasons, and the Tamiya Ki-61...Just like Rob Anderson picked. My 3rd choice would be a toss up between the P-40 and the P-47... but all of your work is always perfectly built.
I also built one of the Tamiya Ki-61's this year, and it builds up every bit as nice as you described. I can highly recommend this kit to anyone as it's a real gem.
Thanks for sharing these with us, and may we all have a Happy New Year.
Well done!
Not being partial, because all your builds are very nice, but my favourite is the P-47. It’s a beauty!
One of mine too, Pedro. I grew up on Long Island and lived a couple towns away from where they were built. The Wildcat too!
Very productive year Freddie, all look great but as you can guess that P-40 looks outstanding to me.
They all look great, and I want to echo the comments on the P-47. The paint job is excellent!
Great work !
Great work, a real obvious 'standard of excellence" throughout. I'm gonna vote for the P-40, but it's like they're all about this far apart > < and are really tied with each other.
Well done Frederick, happy new year !