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Dmitry Stropalov
95 articles

Yak-130 of Myanmar Air Force (Zvezda 1/48)

December 15, 2019 · in Aviation · · 34 · 5K

Modern aviation is a completely new thing to me. Mainly I'm interested in airplanes of 30th till 50th, because... well, I don't know why. Maybe because of a sound of big piston engines, maybe because I like some spinning stuff, like props. Or maybe it's just all about history. Anyway, this is my first attempt in modern aviation in 1/48 scale, unexpected and hard.

A few words about the aircraft – Yak-130 is a combat/training aircraft of a new generation, and it has a "brother" – Aermacchi M-346. The development was started as a joint venture, but then split, so we have two very similar airplanes. Both of them came into service less than 10 years ago. I think it's one of the youngest military aircraft nowadays, and currently around 12 countries owns these birds.

And a few words about the kit – Zvezda originally produced a 1/72 version of Yak-130 back in 2017, and in 2018 1/48 version was introduced. It's not just an upscale, because the method of molding is different. The kit is of a good quality if it goes about the sprues itself, but it's not an easy one – be patient, check everything. And decals are good as well (by the way – if you own a KH kit of Yak-130 mainly all of the decals should be replaced, but not because of a print quality). Also, if you're interested in M-346 – Kinetic has it.

And a few notes about the colors I've used. When I was looking on the photos, and than comparing it to the instruction, I've realized that this would be a "ok, I don't believe you, so I'll will mix it" painting. Photos are your best friends here (taking into account the white balance of course). And just a summary of a colors used for the ...
– Light blue is 6:1 of Hataka C709 (RAL 6027) and C284 (FS35520)
– Green-blue is ~2:1 of Hataka C228 and C284 plus a little bit of white
– Light grey is Vallejo 71.046

Landing gear, wheel bay and doors:
– White for the bay and inside of the doors
– XF-23 for legs and hydraulics
– Dark metallic grey of horizontal leg parts (more info in the WIP thread) – mix of 71.073 and 70.991
– Wheel discs is XF-5

Camouflage, fuselage and the rest:
– Light blue is 1:2 mix of Hataka C284 and C101
– Dark blue is 1:4 mix of Hataka C101 and C255
– XF-24 for radio transparent parts (nose cone, tail, etc.)

Please note, that C*** is not a Gunze paint, but Hataka orange line, which has the same indexing schema.

Thanks everybody, who followed the WIP thread! Full story here –

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

34 responses

  1. Oh wow! I’m afraid I haven’t followed your build thread Dmitry, simply because modern AC are also not my favourite subject, but looking at the photos here, damm... one of the finest builds here lately if you ask me

  2. Greetings, Dmitry. I don't build aircraft, but this is a very good job.

  3. Wow. Very interesting subject

  4. Also not a modern aircraft fan, but this is certainly a very nice model you've done. I like it a lot.

  5. Nice work, Dmitry! I will be referencing your log when I build mine.

  6. Fine work Dmitry, really interesting color scheme.

  7. I'm not really into pointy things either but this is a real gem. Well done.

  8. Excellent work!
    I have built the 1/72 version and I will get this version too 🙂

  9. Interesting subject Dmitry, nicely done.

  10. Dmitry, @starfar

    Your Yak-130 is fantastic ! Well done my friend. I really like the color combinations. They are perfect...

  11. Well - my vote is you continue your venture into the world of modern aircraft! Love this, and will use as a build reference for my 1/72 also! It's a real beauty!

  12. Wow. Love this. Very nicely presented. Great work.

  13. A great job and a curious plane something different


  14. Very nice model Dmitri ! I like the painting and subtle weathering.

  15. Nice! Great colour scheme.

  16. Beautifully finished. Not an aircraft I'd normally be interested in, but after seeing yours–I'm heading over to eBay.

  17. That's a great result Dmitry. Thanks for the colours too. I've got that kit and working out the colour specifics was one of the tasks I muddled over, there seems to be much variation in the colours. A good reference photo does indeed help though.

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