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Rodney J. Williams
171 articles

A “water-base” diorama

January 23, 2020 · in Aviation · · 2 · 2.9K

The "box-art" shows 's scale "OS2U Kingfisher" scout type seaplane setting in the ocean. Since I had built a diorama water-base before I though that I would do it again.

I used some wood and 3/8" styrofoam and made a 12" square base for the "OS2U" model to set on. I still had some left over Dolores River sand and parts of small tree branches, including some ship modeling rope. The sand, twig's and model was put in my base.

I use ordinary Future Floor Wax and poured it into my base, which was tilted a bit so that the fluid built up on one side. I added 's blue and green clear liquid paints and spread it around. I let this dry for a few days then added more clear Future 3 more times, letting the liquid dry each time.

I liked the end result and it looked real as I had spent 7 years on a pacific island and went to different beaches with my family.

I'll show my other sea plane that's in a water base soon!


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2 responses

  1. This is what modeling is all about... Creativity at it's very best. I like what you have done here Rodney, and I'm looking forward to seeing your next seaplane base. This gives me inspiration for a Japanese F1M "Pete" seaplane fighter that I want to start this summer...I have the Hasegawa 1/48 kit and this is the perfect setting idea for it.


  2. Hey LOUIE:::: Get started now as you may get real bad shaky hands by summer, then you can't build the model...

    OH! BTW... where are you going to get the sand?

    They still have lots of sand in the Dolores river, but you will have to drive out there to get it...rodney

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