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David G LANE
123 articles

Lavochkin La-5

January 14, 2020 · in Aviation · 11 · 2.2K

Zvezda 1:48
MRP paints
One day I'll do a clean canopy...!

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

18 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. Sweet looking model. How is the kit? I’ve built 2 109s from Zvezda (the F and the G versions) and found them great kits although a bit over engineered in some areas. And what’s the matter with the canopy?

    • Canopy has a mottled fogging from the glue vapours I think. I use white these days
      The kit is over engineered if you don't want the hood open but fit was ok. I did this last year and had a run on Lavochkin and other Russian WW2 kits. I'll post more soon!

  2. This is a cool looking model... I think it looks great as is, and like Pedro mentioned, the canopy doesn't look bad either. I have done worse... much worse.

    How did it go together as far as the build ? The cockpit details look to be really nice right out of the box. I have two of them in the stash. Maybe someday they will hit the bench...


    • Decent build from the box. MRP paints were great. I did a bit of acrylic paint 'weathering ' on the nose and wings which I sanded back to give a worn look...a la Bera Karoly from Hungary

  3. Nicely done - black-basing looks well executed and some nice detail on the insulators.

  4. Very nice work David. I've done three of these kits with two (an La-5 and a 5FN) still awaiting their day on the workbench. You've done a super job with this one.

  5. Nice work on this David. I did one of these last year with the winter white distemper scheme. I like you found the kit to be somewhat over engineered, but it built without too much difficulty.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  6. I've got a winter Mig-3 somewhere. I'll dig it out.

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