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David Kopielski
75 articles

1/48 F-22 Raptor

February 9, 2020 · in Aviation · · 4 · 4K

This is the Hasegawa 1/48 scale F-22 Raptor. I used the Ares resin cockpit detail set and the Eduard resin missiles, interior, exterior, and weapons bays photo etch sets to detail the kit. I also scratch built many of the wiring and hydraulic lines in the weapons bays and landing gear bays. The kit went together very well. I used custom mixed paint for the paint scheme and the kit decals to finish this build. You can see all the details from start to finish in the build log at

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6  Awesome

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4 responses

  1. Nicely done ! great job.

  2. Very nice! I still haven't built a Raptor yet - one of these days I'll get beyond my fascination with the old "muscle jets" (can you say Phantom?) and build something a bit more modern...

    • Hey Greg:
      I feel the same way... Maybe because I grew up with the Phantom, skyhawk, and intruder. Showing my age I guess. Also what looks better than an A-6 with a full load of 500 pounders or Mk 20's. I mean really...

  3. Wow!
    Nice clean work. She looks great! I still haven't gotten one of these but I think I should just to add it to the "to build pile", which gets bigger all the time.

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