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Carlo Farina
49 articles

German WW I airfield diorama 1:48

October 6, 2019 · in Diorama · · 12 · 3.7K

D III 1:48, figures from , photoetched tools on the table from Aber. All the rest are scratchbuilt (barrel from tamiya).

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. This looks great, Carlo. The Albatros is well done as is the rest of the scene.


  2. Love this piece.

  3. Very creative and masterfully presented, sir...nice work!

  4. Nice! All elements of equal quality - essential for a successful diorama. Nice "story" being told by this.

  5. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    Fine job on this diorama Carlo. The grass work is very well done … good job.

  6. That's a great and atmospheric diorama. Well done. I've just completed an Eduard DIII so I understand how much frustration hides behind the rigging. My fingers proved incapable of using the scale turnbuckles that I had but yours look great. Ditto the tree, something I've never mastered to my satisfaction.

  7. Nice work. I still like the Eduard 1/48 WW1 kits a lot. Great tree, btw!.

  8. Nicely done Carlo, especially like the tree helps to tell a story.

  9. Very nice Carlo

  10. Beautifully done!

  11. WOW Man. I thought that the model is from Wingnuts Wing - in other words, it is a masterpiece.

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