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David Kopielski
71 articles

1/48 Glenco J2F-2 Grumman "Duck"

February 17, 2020 · in Aviation · · 7 · 2.2K

This is the Glenco scale -2 Grumman representing VMF-2 that patrolled the Caribbean Ocean off the Virgin Islands. The Duck's were used for patrolling areas and performing search and rescue of downed pilots.

The kit had very basic details (it was originally released as a model toy with a rubber band powered wheel) so many details including the entire cockpit were scratch built. All the rigging was done with EZ-Line. The canopy was replaced with a Squadron Vacu-form version and installed open.

All of the details and build photos can be seen in the build log -

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. You really brought this kit to life, looks great! I think the original kit was ITC or maybe Ringo.

  2. David, you've masterfully saved what many would consider nothing more than a toy. I myself picked up one of these from a LHS for a few bucks, and still haven't decided if it's even worth finishing even just to let my kids play with... Great job, and I love your photo rich build logs.

  3. Wow! Great result with the only kit that is worse than the Classic Airframes monster.

  4. Got this kit too. Very inspirational build for me.

    Thanks for providing a link to your build.

  5. Nice result! The Duck is just a one-of-a-kind!

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