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Rodney J. Williams
171 articles

1/24 scale FERRARI F-40

March 23, 2020 · in Automotive · · 6 · 1.7K

I DO NOT REMEMBER WHO MADE THIS KIT. All I can say is: It must have went together A-OK. I used different colors of Tamiya paints. RJW.

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5  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. Nice! Tamiya and Fujimi did the F40 in 1/24.

    • Thanks for letting me know who build the kit. As years went by from 1984 to 2016 I wrote different things on my digital photos and I also started taking photos of the box art.

      I met a guy on the web who collected box art and paid some money for each box top. And dumb me, I never saved any of my box top's.

      An old saying in America was: "If the rabbit had not stoped to "P", the fox would never have caught him."

      Again, thanks to everyone's comments. Rodney over in California, USA.

  2. That is a fantastic build of a beautiful car.

  3. Hey Spiros ::: Thanks!
    Guess I should post a couple more of my nice looking car's besides more of my Cadillac's.

  4. Very beautiful car, and you have made it really really well.

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