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Michel Verschuere
39 articles

Final reveal: Arco dei Fileni, Libya, 1941 on 1:35, Scratchbuild

March 23, 2020 · in Armor · · 21 · 7.1K
This article is part of a series:
  1. First reveal: Arco dei Fileni, Libya, 1941 in 1:35, Scratchbuild
  2. Second reveal: Arco dei Fileni, Libya, 1941 in 1:35, Scratchbuild
  3. Final reveal: Arco dei Fileni, Libya, 1941 on 1:35, Scratchbuild

This is the final reveal of my crack at the Arco dei Fileni, an Italian colonial monument erected in 1937 in Libya and designed by the Italian architect Florestano di Fausto (1890-1965). The original was dynamited by the later Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi in 1974.

Most of the information on the build was summarized over a WiP thread starting some time last year:

This monument had a rich history over the years of the war in North Africa and for both sides, so this comic illustration shows:

This build took me about a year to bring from conception to finalization. I learned a lot over the course of it. Unfortunately, some of the WiP thread was lost "over the course of the war", but most of the information is referred to in the above link. Here are some of the build steps:

Scale: This is a semi-scale build, given I could not find more detailed plans and had only three main dimensions (height of the monument and Arc + width of the trespassing through it). Rest is by photographic inference.

Main materials were: Base and main structure: Hardwood. Covering and detailing: Balsa. Statues: Sculpted from Staedtler FIMO:

Bas-Reliefs: Molded plaster substrate and etching, Inscriptions: Decals and 3D printed. Painting was completed with Chalk paint and Acrylics.

The models are Dragon (DAK soldier) and Zvezda (BMW R-12 heavy motorcycle).

And here is the final model:

Hope you like it! Thanks for all my friends here to support me over the past 10 months!


Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

21 responses

  1. That is an awesome result. Could be the start of a huge diorama if you had time to build 500 or so axis vehicles and crew in convoy. Just kidding?

  2. @Haslam55 I actually thought of this. I am currently considering to first build a bigger house scale 1:1 😀

    • Yep! I just liquidated some of my larger stash items (4-engined bombers, etc - bye bye B-17s...) due to lack of display space. I decided the option of a larger 1:1 wasn't an option right now...

  3. This is some serious modeling, Michel. Excellent result, with very detailed research. I am amazed by your work.
    All the best!

  4. Awesome! Some troop and vehicles passing by would make this mammoth a award winner diorama. Why not some British troops heading hit on the wheels of the retreating Italians?

  5. Wow Michel ! This turned out spectacular my friend ... Having the DAK soldier standing next to it and the motorcycle gives the viewer a reference of scale on how big the original arc was.

    Two thumbs up and a great big "liked". Here's to wishing you and your family good health.

  6. Only the Fascists...

    Fantastic piece. I think you need some dust around the base, no?

  7. Excellent build Michel (Michelangelo perhaps), I remember when you first proposed this ambitious project. Now here it is in all it's splendor. Truly a work of art. Bravo my dear friend. You and the family stay safe.

  8. Michel - you really pulled it off! Love all the base relief, the figures, the lettering - all adds so much dimension. Excellent "non-usual" project!

  9. Fabulous result Michel!
    Grand concept matched by superb effort - congratulations!

  10. Fantastic project, looks awesome!

  11. Michel, this turned out GREAT! Awesome build man. This is right up there with your German Air Ministry building. Absolute beauty.

    Well done!

  12. Thanks my friends for your kind words! I finally fought myself free for the next project!

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