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Scott Nelson
135 articles

Had to use Those Extra Decals

March 29, 2020 · in Aviation · · 8 · 1.6K

So here's how my thinking went on this one: I have the Azur Vautour IIN in the stash and I want to do the “blue and sand” Israeli version. But, I wanted to test those colors out first. One of the marking choices in the is an Israel version. I also had the old KoPro Mk. IX kit in the stash. So, this is the result of putting the Eduard decals on the KoPro kit over Polly Scale paint.

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8 responses

  1. Looks the part, Scott. A very fine job out of the KP kit. I have the Fonderie Miniature 1/48 Vautour IIB unbuilt. I will definitely finish it in Israeli markings. Thanks for sharing and turning my apetite on.
    All the best!

    • Before you sit down to start that monster, read my how-to. The article is here and at Modeling Madness. No punches pulled. One of the toughest builds I ever did.

      • I’ve read it a few times, (as I believe I’ve read all your articles at the wonderful MM). I ‘ve realized things will be serious…..
        I can recall you built the IIN #66. I loved your build. It boosted my motivation to build it, though I’m sure I will need my chainsaw for this one…..

  2. Building a kit to test the colors - that is commitment big time! If you post the build of the Vatour in work-in-progress I'll sign up to follow immediately.

  3. Good test on an aging beastie. Best guess on the year that kit came out?

  4. Looks great to me!

  5. Great work Scott. Add some PE, metal struts, resin exhausts, and a vacuform canopy and you'll have yourself a nice little plane. 🙂

  6. Nice! I'm going to have to get to that scheme one of these days - so unique.

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