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Pedro L. Rocha
41 articles

No grey allowed- JG.54 bf 109 G-1

April 30, 2020 · in Aviation · · 31 · 3.5K

After completing Tamiya's 109 G-6 some time ago I was exhausted about building more Messerschmitts, but amidst a P-51 build I had an urge to grab again a one O nine, but this time I chose a more colorful scheme, one from the eastern front .
The kit is the familiar , their weekend box for the G-2.
The plane depicted is to my best interpretation a G-1,

since it has a pressurized canopy and the straight backplate, with no head rest for the pilot.

Decals came from an Aeromaster decal sheet, and this one does full justice to their nickname “Errormaster”. Several decals were quite oversized, and I managed to replace a few, but the cowl insignia has no available replacement so I had to use it. A quick comparison to the B&W photo of the real plane allows you to see the smaller insignia the plane used, bordered in white or some other pale color, and the winged clog facing forward, not back ward like the decal has.
Painted in 62/63/71 over 76 using AK real colors and Gunze. The 04 yellow is my favorite from MRP, this time applied over a previous white base. Also used blackbasing to try and achieve some weathering of the paint.

Hope you enjoy and stay safe

Reader reactions:
18  Awesome

31 responses

  1. Very, very nice scheme Pedro. Jg.54 has the best Luftwaffe camo schemes bar none. How did you make your aerial insulators? I tried with some clear glue and failed

    • Thanks George! For the insulators I always use Kristal Klear applied with a toothpick. As soon as it dries I do a second and sometimes a third application to ensure proper size. And I forgot to mention the wheels used are from their Brassin line, a real pain to cut from the cast.

  2. Pedro @holzhamer
    You really did it this time ! Man it looks great and is up to your usual high standards of quality. I really like what you did here. It looks fantastic. JG 54 planes are my very favorite... This build checks all the marks for me.

  3. Super job on this Pedro. JG 54 camouflage schemes are some of the best as is yours!

  4. Profile Photo
    Walt said on May 1, 2020

    Beautiful paint work, I have fondness for German aircraft and colorful camo schemes. I love this one, especially because it what appears to use RLM 02 in it. Really though just a really nice overall quality job that draws the eye too.

    • Thank you for the comments but no 02 was used in this camouflage. The “concrete” greyish is RLM 62 with a tad of white

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        Walt said on May 1, 2020

        Cool, it kind of took on that color to my eye. It makes sense though, since there is a greenish tint to the RLM 02. Either way I like the way it looks and for me adds a lot of interest to the overall finish of the kit. Thanks for letting me know.

  5. Great, skillful build. You managed to get the top rear fuse seam just right. I had a devil of at time with that. Very cool and colorful EF scheme!

  6. You' ve done a fantastic job, Pedro. I am deeply impressed by your paint/decal/weather skills.
    All the best, my friend!

  7. George is right, JG 54 does have the best came schemes bar none. You've certainly "caught" this one, Pedro. I like it a lot, too-big decal and all.

  8. Pedro, I really like the very attractive and interesting paint scheme, and your paint work gives it a nice realistic look. Well done !

  9. Camouflage looks amazing. So much depth. Well done. Great skills sir.

  10. Excellent build, and your blackbasing paid off in a beautifully realistic paint job!

  11. What can I say? - GR8! Well done.

    (I might mention that the G-1 has a pressure-regulator in the cockpit, right side far back, but that is very nerdy stuff. . - there is a recent AM kit to let you add that though, and eduard does supply it in the PE of their profipack pressurised 109's)

    Thank you for sharing this fantastically good looking 109 @holzhamer

    • Erick, you are right on that. The AM stuff is from AIMS, and they seem a nice option since it provides 2/3 decal options along. However I built this one from a weekend box, the only “pressurised” items are the canopy and the backplate... only a few like you would catch the missing regulator tight 😉 Cheers!

  12. Well done Pedro, exceptional paint job and light weathering.

  13. It must be Messerschmitt Friday at iModeler.

    That’s one heck of an attractive paint scheme and exceptionally fine detailing and weathering. You’ve raised the bar with this one. Outstanding!

  14. STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL from every angle! Well done!

  15. One of my favorite planes, seeing it likes this I'm loving it even more. Beautiful painting.

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