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David G LANE
123 articles


April 11, 2020 · in Aviation · 12 · 2.3K

Salmson 2-A2 602 "Le Gone", SAL 61
Late 1918 to Feb 1919
Wingnut Wings 1:32 Kit 32038

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. Profile Photo
    said on April 11, 2020

    Wonderful! In mourning about WNW, so glad to see them built and so well built, too. Thanks for sharing.

  2. A great looking big one!

  3. Stunning! Beautiful detailed build with an incredible finish. I love the variations in color on used throughout the camouflage scheme. You achieve such variation in tone with such subtleness it looks 100% convincing. Excellent weathering and overall finish. The cowling adds a great flash of color and draws your attention to the excellent engine inside. Just an overall wonderful build.

  4. Wow! your excellent work truly conveys the fragile nature of those early aircraft,although I think that the Salmson was more robust than some. The metal effects on the coolant tank really caught my eye! Expert painting and weathering! The red and white is it!
    What's up with WNW?

  5. Cannot get better than this!
    Congratulations, Sir!

  6. I haven't seen many of these completed (my own being in a box I can't get to now since the move 5 years ago - I'm sooo organized!). You have really done it total justice. Beautiful work and lots of talent and ability on display.

  7. Many thanks gents. I know where the cockups are...theres a few, but overall it turned OK.

  8. GREAT job on a favorite of mine. Glad I have one waiting...there goes the price of any remaining WNW kits...phooosh!

  9. That is an awesome build.

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