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Marvin Reyes
30 articles

Sukhoi Su-15TM “Flagon F”, Trumpeter 1/48th

April 30, 2020 · in Aviation · · 14 · 2.4K

Here is a backburner kit that has been rescued due to the on-going panic and hysteria that is gripping the nation, and indeed, the world. So, with plenty of time to finish stalled projects, I have rescued this Trumpeter Su-15TM.

This is the much-maligned Trumpeter Su15TM, that some claim is unbuildable. Well, it took awhile, but I finally brought this one over the finish line. This kit is from 2002, so it needed some help; thusly, I used Eduard exterior PE, a Quickboost seat, and Master pitot; everything else is from the kit (including decals).

Having read the online reviews, it seems that the main problem with this kit is the nose, more specifically the radome, which apparently is too long and sits at an incorrect angle. Some reports are so dire that they recommend scrapping the kit nose for an aftermarket one, then performing surgery to fit the aftermarket nose! In the event, I chose to use the kit radome, which I shortened by a few millimeters until it looked right. The incorrect angle was fixed by sawing off the front of the fuselage at an angle, again, until it looked right.

Alclad "Aluminum" was used, for the finish, with some panels picked out in darkened Alclad, for some visual interest. Pledge (Future) was used as a glossy clear coat for the decals, the a final overcoat of semi-gloss (Testor's Dullcote and Glosscote mixed 50/50) finished things off.

All of the ordnance is from the kit, but I'm not sure if the configuration of four missiles, and two gun pods, was ever carried. I decided to "man-up" this model, using all of the ordnance, simply because it would be one mean Sukhoi. This model depicts the most famous Su-15TM, the Boeing killer, "Red 17".

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14 responses

  1. You've done a great job on this!

  2. Excellent Job, Marvin, of a kit not often seen built. Got exactly the same one to build, I will use you built as a guideline.
    All the best!

    • Spiros: Thank you for such kind words. The Trumpeter Su-15TM kit has its challenges, for sure. I read a lot of online builds and reviews before starting helped a lot. Good luck with yours. Thanks again.

  3. Nice save - looking good.

    I'm looking at that SOD myself - WTF was I thinking? Now to finish them up.

  4. Marvin, It seems you have a knack for turning difficult kits into a thing of beauty. This turned out very nice. Well done !

    • Terry: Thank you, Brother...I appreciate it a lot. Yes, this kit is one of those that fought me the entire build. Some kits are just challenges to be overcome; I think I'll try one of those Tamiya kits that go together so well, just to take a break. Thanks again, Terry
      How are things in the land of +100F? It looks a bit hot in AZ now.

  5. Looks really good. The Flagon is, to me at least, such an unusual standout in the Soviet line-up. One of my earliest builds was the Flagon, though I don't remember what brand of kit it was.

    • Greg: Thank you; I appreciate it. The Flagon is definitely an unusual aircraft; the Soviets liked to experiment with their designs, and the Flagon interceptor was one of these interim designs, put into operation on the fringes of the Motherland. It served well, until more suitable designs were put into production. Thanks again, Greg.

  6. Nicely done Marvin, looks like you conquered this beast. I like it.

  7. Hey Marvin,

    The difficult kits are often the most rewarding, aren't they? You did a great job building this Flagon. It looks great.


  8. Scott: Thank you. Yes, some kits just have a way of being difficult, whereas, many others just seem to fall together, without any drama. Who can say why this is? I guess, since we choose to be modellers, we just have to take the good with the so-so. Thanks again.

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