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Manuel Magrinho
79 articles

Airbus A380 Revell 1:144

May 11, 2020 · in Aviation · · 10 · 3.4K

Airbus A380 1:144

The Airbus A380 is the world's largest passenger airliner today.
The full-length double-deck aircraft has a typical seating capacity of 525, though it is certified for up to 853 passengers. It is powered by four Engine Alliance GP7200 or Rolls-Royce Trent 900 turbofans providing a range of 8,000 nmi (14,800 km).
The first flight was on 27 April 2005, my youngest son birthday. I saw this first flight on TV while waiting for my son to be born and that's why I always wanted to build this model. Their 15 years was a good excuse 🙂

This was my first airliner ever.
the kit is already a few years old, but it is the only one on the market with the first livery, so there was no doubt about which one to choose. Not bad, some problems, but in general with some work you get something presentable.
The kit, although it comes with the holes in the windows, does not include clears, so either putty on everything and apply black decals or make the 220 windows with Kristal Klear. I opted for this second option 🙂

Although nothing is seen, I built a basic cockpit, just because.

After gluing the two halves, the kit allows it to be built in phases: fuselage, wings, stabilizers and engines, gluing everything only at the end of applying the decals and before the last application of gloss varnish. That was my option.

Hope you enjoy,
Manuel @magrus

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14  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. Wow. Great build. Looks really good.
    My experience with Krystal-klear (Crystal-clear?) is, that the Windows become thinner in the Center when Crystal-clear dries. Maybe that doensn't matter here because the windows are very small?

  2. Beautifully done!

  3. Very nice build. I'd love to do this kit but don't have anywhere to display it without it being a dust magnet. Great looking plane!

  4. That's a beautiful work of a very imposing plane. I love these initial markings. About Krystal Kleer, or Clearfix, or similar products, they tend to become thinner at the center the bigger the hole and the thicker the styrene. What I do in these cases is to immediately apply a second round on top of the first coat ( not waiting for the first coat to cure, so they blend nicely). This way I can challenge bigger holes and thicker walls Hans Wilhelm Fischer @wimfi.

    All the best!

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