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Robert Royes
258 articles

Mitsubishi 1MT Type 10, 1/50 UPC. Empire of Japan

May 15, 2020 · in Aviation · · 10 · 3K

The Type 10 torpedo bomber was designed by Sopwith designer Herbert Smith for the Japanese Navy.

Built in 1922, 20 were built, it was difficult to fly and it could not land on the carrier with the torpedo loaded. They were eventually scrapped.

Receiving this kit as a gift way back in the sixties , It never interested me to build it. I eventually gave it to my Dad, who when he retired began scale modeling, mostly scratch builds, When he was recalled to Mars in 2012, I managed to save it. I thought about refurbishing it but it's to dang fragile. So, submitted for your approval. Type 10 Torpedo bomber UPC kit , from Marusan molds.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. This is such a lovely model, Robert. Approved 110%!

  2. Got to be one of the most eclectic models ever molded. U-Nique.

  3. Wow! I’ve never seen that one before. Very cool.

  4. Just the UPC label alone makes it really super. Rare and memories seeing UPC kits among the Aurora, the Pyro's and box scale Revell models on the shelf years past. Like John says this is one I don't recall ever seeing but then again I am trying to recall any UPC kit. Regardless that is a super rare model to see built up. So glad it didn't get tossed over the years. Thanks for sharing good memories Robert.

  5. Never seen this kit before and I am impressed as it definately would not be an easy build. Thanks for posting

  6. I like many others have not heard of it. (Kit or plane itself.) I wonder when it was described as difficult to fly, was it being compared to contemporary planes? The design looks like it is dated from a decade earlier so maybe if compared to those of a similar vintage it might be on par? (And by "on par" I mean difficult to fly but no one knew it because they all flew that way!) I would think it would've had a leg up in the ground handling department as it has quite a wide track! In any case, it isn't unpleasant to look at. Thanks for bringing it out Robert!

  7. Well, that is something you don´t see everyday...great work of an unusual plane!

  8. Thanks for sharing this rare kit and build Robert. I like it.

  9. I have never seen another one like this one. I would leave it alone and not fool with it. I think you made the right choice there. I like it a whole lot !

  10. Beautiful! I love it!

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