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Sebastijan Videc
45 articles

Spitfire Mk.II Aces High

May 24, 2020 · in Aviation · · 12 · 4.6K

I don't normally build ww2 era planes and even rarer you can find 1:32 subject on my desk. But having release this kit about 6 months before my good friend's birthday, who is (surprise surprise) a huge Maiden fan, the ever present "what to buy for birthday" question was solved then and there.
I am happy how she turned out and the Spit brought the new proud owner to the brink of tears and a huge bear hug 😉

Anyhow, Up the Irons!

Reader reactions:
14  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. Nicely done. It's always rewarding to build for a friend.

  2. That is a great gift. Very nicely build.
    Nice idea for diorama also.

  3. Best. Gift. EVER!

    Fantastic job. I too, am a huge Maiden fan...and I have this kit on the shortlist pile to do.

  4. Well done Sebastijan, the kit turned out well and the diorama presentation is great.

  5. That is so cool! I’m a big Maiden fan and I love seeing Eddie sitting defiantly in the cockpit! Great build.

  6. That's a gorgeous build and a very interesting diorama, Sebastijan!
    What a gift!

  7. Eddie approves this build 🙂
    Great work, even more when you can join 2 hobbies in one vignette.
    Now let me put Aces High on the loudspeakers! Fabulous work Sebastian

  8. Great initiative! I wonder what Bf-109 pilots would be most frightened of when seeing this in their rear-view mirror: The plane or the pilot... Very nicely done and your friend will surely be pleased!

  9. That's so cool! The Eddie pilot figure looks amazing. Awesome build...great song too!

  10. Well the Devils in the details and knowing some of the details of the Revell kit...I'd say that is one of the best representations of this kit I have seen. Nothing short of impressive and that is one sick build that rocks.

    Two thumbs up.

  11. Great-looking Spit, though I'm hesitant to say the same for the crew!

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