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Richard Bungay
68 articles

Academy 1/48 MiG-21 MF Fishbed J, Syrian Air Force, 1982 Lebanon War

June 27, 2020 · in Aviation · 9 · 2.8K

This is a pretty good kit which goes together without problems. There's a bit of a step between the the front and rear fuselage sections that I wished I had paid more attention to. I used Eduard wheels and the AirRes cockpit set. I also tried some tank weathering techniques to add some streaking - I think it adds a bit of realism. Thanks for looking.

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12  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Really nice result here, Richard. I like it a lot.

  2. The camouflage is very well made from a painting perspective, since I know nothing about how these MIGs were painted by the Syrian AF. It does look very realistic as a whole, I really like it. Well done!

  3. I like it Richard. Nicely painted.

  4. A really nice build with excellent finish! And the Mig-21 is one of my favorite aircraft of all time.

  5. Great build and subject!

  6. Agreeing with the above gents completely, Richard.
    An excellent result!
    A beautiful camo, perfectly executed.
    I think the tank weathering method suits this desert style worn camo.
    Well done!

  7. Nicely done Richard, she looks good in that camo scheme.

  8. Beautiful details on this Fishbed.
    Really do like the scheme.

  9. Looks great - love the scheme. Well done.

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