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Ross Paton
31 articles

Revell 1/32 Mosquito

June 30, 2020 · in Uncategorized · · 12 · 2.6K

Interested to see what could be done with this kit without spending a fortune. Actually very impressed! PRU model with the fuselage camera in the wrong place (sorry)! wheels (for ) were the only extras. When you open the box you can see why it's so cheap but with a bit of cockpit detailing, drilling out of PRU glass (on the bomb bay) and bottom hatch glass it's a great kit.
Was going to forget the engine but actually it's not that bad a a bit of extra pipework and wiring...

Ok no bomb bay, opening entry hatch. Glass shows its age a bit. For £30 as opposed to the HK models version? Crying out for better canopy and a Fighter Bomber version at this price point! Critics have said the overall shape is very accurate and even surpasses the Tamiya and HK Models versions. Nose windows are wrong though. Not a rivet counter so I don't know. It looks like a .

Sorry about the bubble on decals, wrong position of oblique camera and the "Keep Off" decal which never seems to look right on Mossie models! (Did use Decal Soft). Rattle Can of Riolett UK PRU Blue for the paint.

Well worth the money if you balk at the price of rivals.

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12 responses

  1. If you want to save the decals, it's still possible even now. Take a #11 blade and score the daylights out of the decal, slice it up. the flood it with decal setting solution. The air under t he decals (which caused the problem) will disappear and when the decal is fully set up it will have "melted" onto the surface and you

    • I'll give that whirl. Actually gave up putting decals on the under wings of Spitfires. They are always over ammo ejector holes and various humps and bumps. Nightmare.

  2. It for sure looks like a Mosquito.
    Nice job done.
    For the decals I use Revell decal softener myself to have them fit nicely on the surface ("melted" like Tom mentioned).

  3. Nice work. I'm building this kit into an NF2 version at the moment, I've (obviously) replaced the nose but otherwise OOB. Pics will posted when I finish it.

  4. Nice one. A Mossie in the best colours for one. Looks good to me.

    I find that for really recalcitrant decals that UMP Extra Strong Decals Solution works well.


  5. Great build and gorgeous looks, Ross!
    Love those oldies!
    Worry not about the decals: just follow Tom's advice and you' ll end up nicely.
    Just don't touch them before being fully cured (ask me how I know...).
    Well done on this PRU blue beauty!

  6. Looks great to me Ross. Sometimes, older kits get a bad rap, but many of them hold up well against more modern releases. Your Mossie looks just like a Mossie and that's what really counts.



  7. Nice mozzie. They really look impressive in 32nd scale...and in PRU blue as well! Good job.

  8. Thanks for your kind comments! I have a funny feeling I did this model as a kid. With paintbrushes in those days!

  9. Revisiting this kit, the Tamiya FB version seems to be on permanent back order. Given you can buy 7 Revell kits for 1 Tamiya I am going to have a bash at making an FB version of this kit. Obviously there'll be no "panels off everything" or even an open cockpit door probably (although a side door will have to be scribed obviously). The bit that has me worried is the flat windscreen canopy.

    I am going to do a Banff Strike Wing Mossie (being a Scotsman). Did these have Packard's or not?
    The Tamiya 1/48 (excellent kit) seems to have the same engines as the Revell 1/32.

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