1/32 Scale MB 326 K Scratch Build Part 1
Time for an update for the Impala Mk 2, The build has been pretty much that same as the Mk 1, except for the single seat and the two 30mm DEFA cannon pods under the fuselage. I am building an aircraft that was responsible for shooting down a Mi 24 in 1985 in Angola.
In several encounters in 1985 in Angola with Mi 8 and Mi 24 helicopters, Impala Mk 2's shot down a total of six, This happened during a crucial phase of the ground war, when Angola and Cuban troops were checked in an offensive against UNITA bases. This ended in disaster for the Angolan/Cuban alliance when their supplies were cut off by UNITA and the SAAF and front line troops ran out of ammunition. Helicopters were being used to supply the besieged troops and the SAAF cut off this link. Two Mi 24's were shot in the first encounter while escorting MI 17's. The Mig 21's that escorted them flew too high to react in time. Two days later the Impala Mk 2 struck again, downing two Mi 24's and two Mi 17's. Attacks on unsuspecting helicopters were carried out with only two guns per aircraft.
Just a little History on a little known war fought in Angola.
You will see that there are a few open panels on the model as well as the one cannon bay, this I hope to fill with some detail work to make the model look busy.
Hope you enjoy the pics,
Keep safe during this trying time,
Good progress Marc.
The paint (primer) job looks very neat.
Interesting background information as well.
Thanks John.
That's an awesome project as well, Marc!
Love the grey priming, your job looks spotless!
Thanks Spiros, I put Primer on to check for any small repairs, and also to start with the scribing and riveting, Thanks for the comment.
Nice job, Marc. Your talents are top notch and anything to do with the wars in southern Africa are of great interest to me.
Thanks A mil for the comment John.
Thanks for the history lesson Marc. I'll admit to knowing almost nothing about that conflict, but then again I was a Senior in High School and had my mind on pretty much anything BUT world affairs...
This version of the Impala should turn out to be fantastic as usual!
I think I was in High School then as well, I only did my Military service in the 90's. Thanks for the comment.
Lovely! Waiting to see this emerge from its cocoon.
Hey Greg, great to hear from you Buddy, thanks for the comment.
Hello Marc @marc
I was in the US Army serving on active duty in a Cavalry Regiment as a tank crewman at the time during the 1985 conflict in Angola. I remember watching clips of it on our nightly news. I wasn't aware of the history part of it though, so thank you for helping to fill in the blanks.
It looks like you have made some very good progress with your latest project. I'm sure the Impala will be amazing once it's completed, as do all of your builds.
Stay safe my friend.
Hey Louis, that was a time when we had conscription here in South Africa, and military service was compulsory, I remember leaving school and going straight to the military. My Father and my three Brothers served during that time, Great to hear from you as always, keep in touch.
Another amazing Marc Barris shrink-down of the real thing!
Thanks a mil for the comment Tom.
Mr. B, @marc your work is outstanding! I wish I had HALF your talent!
Like my BFAM Louis, @lgardner I was stationed in Germany during the same time period (but not at the same place, sadly) & I remember that all happening but I too didn't know the history. Thanks for the lesson.
Hey Jeff, strange times they were, glad its all over, thanks for the kind comment.
Hi Marc.Very Nice model ! I thought it was an Aermacci at first.Thank you for the history.
As a teenager I spent a summer in Cape-town.
My Uncle’s Business partner hosted me in the suburb for a few nights and every morning like clockwork An Impala would fly right over his home ! Later on, Closer to the harbour . Schackletons and Buccaneers. Steam Trains and no Passenger train connection between Joburg and the Cape.
Braaivleis and personal Heartfelt engagement, across the board.
magazines had centerfolds of slain black Insurgent soldiers that were killed in the Caprivi strip. That surprised me.
Good those days are over. But very much thanks for holding back nefarious influences in the North. I am very familiar with it.
Thanks again
Hi Bernard, yes, it was an Aermacci, it was license built by Atlas Aircraft in South Africa, we called it an Impala, I have seen pictures of a few air frames at the Test Pilots School in the USA.
There is still Braaivleis and we have TV, Sadly no more Shackletons and Impala's. I still see a Turbo Prop Dakota a few times.
Thanks for the comment .
Interesting and a different subject from the norm, hopefully I will follow this one Marc. That is if Mother Nature allows me to. We now have a storm coming.
Great to hear from you, another storm?, Damn, I think you need to move to Cape Town.
Take care.
1 attached image. Click to enlarge.
Thank you Maarten
Going to be another amazing build buddy!