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Gordon Zammit
26 articles

1/72 Airfix Jet Provost

July 1, 2020 · in Aviation · · 8 · 2.4K

Another kit from the newer moulds. Builds nicely, only problem is the very thick dayglo decals. I had to airbrush the leading edges as the decals wouldn't go over the curvature, and mixed several mixes but couldn't get the exact shade of the decals, hence the different colour on the leading edges.

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2 additional images. Click to enlarge.

8 responses

  1. Another nice one! If you hadn't mention it I wouldn't have noticed the color difference, in fact It's really hard to see the difference, great job.

  2. About 30 years ago a fellow modeler told me to mix a new bottle of "Microset" with a new bottle of "Microsol" then refill the same bottles.

    FIRST: You remove the excess decal film that you cut away from the decal.   
    SECOND: You soak the decal in clean water and add a couple of drops of this new solution onto the decal while it is still on its' paper backing.   
    THIRD: You add clean water to the area on the model then add a small drop of your "Set-Sol" mix on top of the water.   
    FOURTH: Slide the decal onto the area that you applied the water and your "Set/Sol" mix.  
    FIFTH: Gently position the decal into its' proper location using a wet 1/4" wide soft brush and remove any excess liquid using pointed toilet tissue. Let the decal dry while you also flatten it out. 
    As a result of this operation I have about 300 models here at home before I quit modeling in late 2016 and all the decal are perfect.  Rodney  
  3. Another beautiful build, Gordon.
    Those new Airfix's 1/72 are very sweet kits and you made the most of them.
    Also loved 'Master"Rodney's @f2g1d trick above and I am going to try it.

  4. The guy that told me to do the above was a "Chemical Engineer" with one of the computer companies out in Silicon Valley,( Sunnyvale, California). He also told me to use Future Floor Wax, and get rid of my bottles of Tamiya CLEAR paint as it is almost identical in chemistry technology. Back then I was paying an American Dollar for a 3/4oz of Tamiya's paint's. I could buy a 16oz bottle of FUTURE for about $3.00.

  5. Nicely done Gordon.

  6. The difference is barely noticeable Gordon.
    You made a very nice build of this Provost.

  7. Well done - lots of dayglo on display!

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