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Brian Riedel
43 articles

1/48 Aurora SPAD XIII

August 19, 2020 · in Uncategorized · · 10 · 1.8K

An 's, one being an original kit with decals by Aeromaster.

Brian Riedel

Reader reactions:
1  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. Looks great! Nice to see an older kit built.

  2. Great build of a classic!

  3. Nice trip down memory lane.

  4. Nice job on the old Aurora kit. Man that brings back memories of my Dad helping me build those and hang them on the ceiling in my room.

  5. Nice job! I built a few of those as a kid.

  6. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Nice job on that classical model Brian, brings back memories.

  7. For sure a nice build, Brian.
    I'm always jealous of people building those great looking bi-planes.

  8. That old dog can still hunt, especially when you properly train them. Nice job Brian.

  9. Very nice model. Your modeling skills really made this classic kit stand out. Well done.

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