1/48 Hasegawa A6M3 Zeke (Photo Experiment)
I been trying to figure out ways to get better photos with out having to buy a camera or a light box. This time i used a roll of craft paper and my iPhone. I shot the photos in the backyard in indirect morning light. I just put the roll of paper on a planter and draped it down to the ground and shot away. I think the results aren't too bad.
I made the model about three years ago. It was the first Japanese aircraft I ever made. I think it was the first time I tried pre-shading which looks way too dark when I look at it now. I think I used the wrong Hinomaru's on the wings and the color is way off. But I had fun!
The foto's came out very nice, Jeremy.
Morning light is always great.
Beside a slightly too dark preshading, the rest of the build is great.
Thanks John!
Can´t see much wrong with the photo bit. Gorgeous model. You may want to play around a bit with lights to get bit less flat light, if that is something that is wanted of course.
An alternative to use black pre-shade along panel lines, as you say it can get a bit too strong, might be to go for what these days are called black basing. Prime the entire model in black and modulate the paint over that to achieve an interesting result. You may also try out different greens, greys, reds, ochras as a dappled base and then go over the entire model with the colour of choice.
Thank you, I just started doing the black basing. Cheers
Looks great, been wondering if I could get good photos of my builds with a phone as I’m on a budget, you have proven it’s possible. Beautiful Zero.
Thank you
I do believe the photos turned out just fine Jeremy.
As for the model ... Hey fun is what count's.
Thank you for sharing the images.
Thank you
Jeremy (@jmillan), apart from a nice plane, the photo experiment was nice. It is always a great idea to go outdoors, and indirect light makes a smartphone camera do its best. Now, I do not own a smartphone, and is a camera enthusiast (Olympus fanatic), but the later generation of smartphones really are high quality with the right conditions. Personally I do most of my indoor shots with a relatively cheap pocketcamera, and it works OK.
Out of interest - what type of smartphone did you use? - anybody else reading this might have experience with other brands/generations of phones for their uploads.
Thank you for sharing, and keep those nice pictures comin'!
Thanks Erik. It’s my wife’s iPhone 10. It takes really good photos. I have an old Olympus SLR film camera from the 80’s that was my dads. Has a nice lens too. I wouldn’t use it for modeling photos though.
Nice results out of this experiment, Jeremy!
Thanks Spiros!
The photos look good, nice work.
Hello! I like your model! I have comment on the version. Many historians believe that this number (X2-172) belonged to the A6M2b aircraft, based on surviving photos. The most important argument was the shape of the bottom of the rudder, which indicated the earlier model. Hinomaru really should be without the white border. Best regards!