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Adam Lang
11 articles

Magic of an airbrush and well engineered kit

August 30, 2020 · in Aviation · · 25 · 1.8K

Because I had birthday recently, my family decided to buy me this lovely E-4 from as a gift. I would recommend this kit for beginners. In box is only one plastic sprue and one clear sprue. fit of this kit is absolutely incredible. There is no need for putty and decals are great. This was also my second kit painted by an airbrush and I built it in two days. Let me know what do you think πŸ˜‰

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

2 additional images. Click to enlarge.

25 responses

  1. O.O.S. IS MY ANSWER...(Out-Of-Sight)...WOW! you did one heck of a fantastic job on this model. As a modeler with 30 years of experience building for myself and for clients I was never that "FAST" building any model. You did one heck of a good job.

    Did you take any close up photos of the cockpit?

    Again...GREAT JOB ADAM!

  2. Looks like you are a natural talent Adam, well done!

  3. Lots of good things happening with this model Adam. How about more photos? Show off your gifts and talents. When you got it flaunt it.

    two thumbs up.

    • I will defenetly post more photos of my models in the future πŸ˜‰ . I am curently working on MiG-21 SMT from Eduard and F-15E from academy. Here you have some photos of the cockpit πŸ™‚

      3 attached images. Click to enlarge.

      • Since it's only your second airbrushed model Adam (and congratulations on that, it looks great) let me pass along a tip for dealing with the "flash" around the decals. That comes from air bubbles getting under the decal. It's easily solved: slice the decal up with a #11 tip, then flood it with decal setting solution. That will get rid of the bubbles, the decal will snuggle down and look like it was painted on, and all will be well. You can do that "save" on your model now, if you like. Never too late.

        And again, congratulations. Learning the airbrush is a real accomplishment, and it took me more than twice to get to your level.

        • Thanks for the tip πŸ™‚ I got rid of the decal flash, it looks much better now.

          1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  4. Beautiful work in that scale...or ANY scale really!

  5. Very nice work, Tamiya kits are always well engineered and still fun to build. The paintwork is very well done

  6. Very, VERY nice!

  7. Absolutely stunning little build!

  8. I think this a wonderful build! Great job.

  9. Great build, Adam.
    Very nice airbrush work for just a second build and even within two days.
    Incedible on all aspects.

  10. Tamiya kits are hard to beat, but you have really brought out the best in this 109. Kudos, Adam (@adamlanguh).

  11. πŸ™‚ ... Greetings ... πŸ™‚ :
    Adam, you have given this model a sense of life ( not even mentioning the scale ). The second photo in this your first post, really shows off the great scheme and colors. I look forward too more of your work. Welcome to the forum and keep on modeling.

  12. This is a wonderful model, Adam @adamlanguh!
    Bring on more please!
    And welcome aboard!

  13. Beautiful.
    What type of paint did you use ? Looks fantastic.

    • Thank you! I have used tamiya acrylic colors and for clear coats I have used Mr.Color (lacquers) GX 100(super gloss) and Mr.Color 181 (semi gloss) for final finish.

  14. That's a real beauty! I also just finally moved from brushes to an airbrush, and it takes a bit of getting used to, but looks like you are an old-hand at it!

  15. Excellent build of a classic plane.

  16. Really. Are you kidding me?!? Your second attempt with an airbrush. I've got two questions for you: What make and model airbrush did they buy you, and what do they feed you, because I probably need to invest in both if you can do a piece of work like that, to that level of detail for the scale it's in, in that amount of time... this is excellent work and I can tell you from personal experience it took me YEARS to master the airbrush, let alone the subtle weathering effects (that's my weakness). Bravo and don't stop unless its for school/education/the really, really important stuff (I think you get the message)...?

    • Thank you very much! I already got a phone number from a guy that is like a leader of a scalemodel club and he wants me on Czech champion competition. The winner gose to Telford.
      I was on my first competition and the jury was blown away with my F-16 :D. I was so happy.

      • Well, I'm here to tell you, having been a visitor and occasional entrant at the IPMS comps at Telford that I would certainly take him up on his offer. The Czech club is a pretty serious bunch of modellers pretty much in a class of their own - I can't think of a time when I've gone to Telford that someone or a couple of their number in their club didn't place in any of the categories they've competed in. Consider that a huge compliment. What sort of airbrush do you use if you don't mind me asking? (I know its not the food their feeding you ?).

        • Yeah I think I got a chance bcs I am 17 so I am in the under 18 category. I am useing harder and steenbeck Ultra with 0,2mm

          • Nice! I've been a Badger man for decades but recently purchased a Harder & Steenbeck Infinity CR Plus and I have to tell you, this is one sweet little piece engineering. Someone else on iModeler also has an H&S and he called it the 'Porsche of airbrushes' so I think you've got a pretty decent one. what was your previous airbrush?

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