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Jeff Groves
52 articles

Matchbox Boeing P-12E

August 27, 2020 · in Aviation · · 18 · 3.3K

Two builds of the classic Matchbox P-12 kit, first issued way back in 1972. The decals are from Starfighter Decals sheet 72-122, I couldn't decide which markings I liked best so I decided to build two! “White 1” is the P-12E of the commander of the 8th Pursuit Group based at Langley Field, Virginia. “Tiger” represents P-12E serial number 31-241 assigned to the 24th Pursuit Squadron operation in the Panama Canal Zone in 1934.

For anyone interested, a short build thread is here:

Reader reactions:
14  Awesome

18 additional images. Click to enlarge.

18 responses

  1. Great job on this Jeff!

  2. Striking looking birds. Great job!

  3. Very nice! Those Matchbox bipes build up well!

  4. They both come along together very nice, Jeff.
    Very nice builds.

  5. Great work, Jeff! I love seeing these kits built to such a high standard.

  6. Great job in such a beautiful painting scheme.

  7. Beautiful work! I can't imagine how small they are...

  8. Excellent duo.!

  9. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Nice and very well accomplished work done to these two model classics Jeff.
    Very good paint work and sheen.

  10. What a nice pair!
    And what a nice build, Jeff!
    Congratulations on bringing those rough diamonds at such a high standard!

  11. G'day Jeff,
    I built a pair of these 40 years ago.
    If I remember correctly, the wings and tail were yellow plastic and the rest were olive green, so I didn't paint either, just small details like the cowling, and then added the decals.
    You've done a fantastic job with these, including the rigging.
    I hope that the fly in the 10th photo isn't to scale, though.
    We get some big flys in Australia sometimes, but not that big. ;~)
    Liked x 2

    • Thanks Michael! You have a sharp eye, that's a small bee, I was wondering if anyone would catch that. One of the hazards of shooting pictures outside but you get some funny ones!

  12. Beautiful bipes - and in 72nd scale! WOW.

  13. Thanks for all the kind words guys, much appreciated!

  14. Wow - you set a high bar for that old kit! I think I have this in the stash, but now I've got a pretty challenging finish line to reach... 🙂

  15. Wow and1/72 at that. Great job.

  16. They look like lollies! Good work.

  17. Wow, that's some superb work. I remember getting that kit when it first came out...

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