Messerschmitt Me-109G-6 JG 4 Otaki 1/48

September 12, 2020 · in Aviation · · 14 · 1.9K

Another oldie but nice to have fun...aircraft ex-JG 4 being transferred to the ANR...aerial courtesy of my wife...

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3  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. Very nice! You just gotta love some of the old Otaki kits!
    Just out of curiosity, what is the ANR?

  2. Aeronautica nazionalle republicana, was the fascist AF that kept fighting the allies after the Italian armistice.
    This is a splendid model, the kit may be old but the paint work makes it stand out. Great work Marcus

  3. That's a splendid job on this nice old kit, Marcus!
    Double fun, and very interesting scheme!

  4. Fantastic result, Marcus.
    Had the luck to build this Otaki kit myself and was really surprised by the quality of this old kit.

  5. Nice build, and an interesting scheme you found! Looks great.

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