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Scott Nelson
135 articles

Former Brazilian Jug

October 11, 2020 · in Aviation · · 19 · 1.9K

Before Spitfirepalooza, there was “I Like Jugs.” My 1/72 Spitfire collection is a bit larger than my P-47 one but, my 1/48 P-47 collection wins (for now, those Eduard overtrees I just bought will turn the tide when done). This is kit. It's not quite the Tamiya masterpiece but, still darn good and much less expensive. I used a set of decals on this one.

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

19 responses

  1. That's a great jug, Scott!

  2. 57th Fighter Group - first USAAF fighter group to enter combat in Europe, July 1942. Flew across Africa, joined and fought with the RAF at Alamein. By the end of the war they'd flown more missions than the next to USAAF fighter groups in the Med, combined.

    Very unusual markings and really nice work. The Hasegawa kit's not so great, but this model is.

  3. Great choice of markings and very nice build.

  4. Scott, A very nice looking P-47, I really like the very attractive paint scheme !

  5. Fantastic results, Scott.
    Unusual decals on the bottom of the wings on this attractive scheme

  6. No one has said anything about the "center-line" drop tank resting on the table top! This should be fixed a.s.a.p.

    • It looks like it is but, actually, it’s not. The paper it’s sitting on is slightly warped at that point. When it’s on a true flat surface it has clearance. However, when I showed this one to my dad (a retired aircraft mechanic) his immediate response was, “No crew chief worth a damn would let the tire pressure get as low as that.”

      • I forgot to mention that this "JUG" is an excellent model. I often wonder if any of the real '47's ever had landing problem's with the gas tank so low to the ground.
        I'll take a look at my '47's to see if I put on a tank!

        Anyway's thanks for posting such a fine looking model.

  7. Nice Jug Scott and i aint mentioning it either cos its a model lol and its your model .An if you google P47 images you will see them were you could barely insert a cigarette underneath on the real thing.

  8. Beauty. I've never seen these marking before so I go through my Osprey "57th Fighter Group" book and there it is. Unfortunately its a photo of just the nose area which is probably why I never paid attention to it

  9. A great looking Jug you have there.

  10. Nice work, Scott.

  11. Thanks for the compliments, everyone.

  12. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Impressive looking Build Scott.
    The painting is so very well applied and the markings give it a very different appeal.

  13. That's a great-looking Jug, and very unusual scheme with those dual markings! Well done.

  14. Beautiful job! Congrats. Could you say more about those markings, I mean, mixing US and Brazilian stars? What was the case there? It was a plane from the first Brazilian Fighter Group returned to the USAAF?


  15. Nice! Yeah, what's the story on the mixed markings?

  16. I'm always looking for unusual paint schemes or markings, and your P-47 certainly fills the bill. Well done, Scott (@guitarhack5).

  17. Great scheme, nice build, Scott!

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