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Amari Luu
39 articles

Sky raider and Phantom in progress

October 27, 2020 · in Aviation · 12 · 1.3K

Since I have quite a few family members who served in Vietnam , I was inspired to build 2 more Vietnam war planes. The 1/48 Sky Raider from Tamiya has been great (though I did make a horrible mistake with the seatbelts l) but the 1/32 Phantom from Revell has been awful. I’ve had a lot of bad luck with it. While I was gluing the fuselage together, I spilled half a bottle of super glue and learned that super glue can generate heat. I later proceeded to spill the other half of the super glue and now, several of my paint bottles are stuck to the table. I expect these two planes to be finished within a few weeks.

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12 responses

  1. That's a lot of bad luck, Amari.
    For super glue I use a bottle which has an outlet for only small drops of glue.
    Wish you the best in continuing your build.

  2. Sorry to hear of the accidents. It's best to get C-A glue (superglue) in closed squeeze bottles for exactly the reason that it will glue anything to anything.

    Good luck on the recovery.

  3. You tackle an 1/32 F-4, Amari!
    You are the man!
    Along with an1/48 Skyraider, which is by no means small...
    Sorry to hear of the accidents, too.
    Don't worry, such things happen!
    And after every accident, you become wiser.
    Good job, so far!

  4. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Seems like you are off to a good start on these models Amari, despite your little incident.
    You need not to worry about those small mishaps. It is all part of the learning process.
    Things as such will only make you more cautious but yet more wiser, but most of all
    you gain more control of what you are doing and gain patience. Don't worry about those things ... do worry if it is a repeated mishap.

  5. Blimey Amari... good job you weren't' working on the family dining table like I do!

    Like you I have had an awful time tracking down a decent kit of the De Havilland (Dragon) Rapide bi-plane. The first one I got was an unknown make and turned out rubbish. The one I now have managed to get hold of is in an Airfix box but with HELLER embossed on the inside of the fuselage. Doesn't look any easier to be fair, but I am determined to give it a go. Never give up eh! But some kits do stretch your patience to the limit.

    • Thank you Michael Knights @mike. It actually was the family dining table but other people in my family have made worst messes before so we are used to things like this happening.

  6. Well - keep on plugging away! Looking forward to seeing the end result.

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