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Hyeon-Jung Yun
4 articles

MiG-23MLD ‘Last Flogger’

November 22, 2020 · in Aviation · · 20 · 5K

My 'Red 06' represents the last Soviet Flogger in East Germany, which featured 4-color camo and R-73 capability. It belonged to 833 IAP but returned to Russia in May 1992 due to the end of the Cold War. Their MiG-23MLD fleet were equipped with underwing fuel tanks. (For more infomation, please refer to

R. V. Aircraft MiG-23-98 kit used. Good kit, but don't overestimate - It's not Tamiya, nor Lego. I spent 1 year to detail up this build to meet my own standard. Aftermarket goods used are following; RES-IM, Res/Kit, Eduard, etc.

I hope you enjoy!

Reader reactions:
17  Awesome

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20 responses

  1. Admirable work, hard to believe it’s 1/72. The paint work really stands out

  2. Fantastic work and a beautiful result!

  3. Amazing work, Hyeon-Jung!
    Well done!

  4. Stunning model Hyeon-Jung!

  5. Awesome build, Hyeon-Jung.
    The year you spent on detailing is absolutely visible.
    Awesome details.

  6. This is really good! Congrats!

  7. This work on a 1/72 model is simply fantastic. Bravo!

  8. Like others I didn't think it was 1/72. That is a very beautiful model.

  9. H-JY...Applause for your skills as an artist-fabricator in producing a very special model. Wonderful job.

  10. Wow Huron-Jung!
    Every photo is a ‘WOW’ - the pivoting wings tanks are a double ‘WOW’.
    Awesome build, and I love the fact it’s a MiG-23.

  11. Not that much of a fan of the MiG-23, but I sure am a fan of this outstanding, excellent model. Just amazing, incredible work and definitely hard to believe it's 1/72.

  12. Great build Hyeon-Jung, well done !

  13. Fantastic model, and the wings fold, and it's 1/72, definitely a good year's work.

  14. Some strong work Hyeon-Jung. Professional is a good word to describe your efforts in making this kit. Looking forward to seeing more of your gifts and talents in modeling. Two thumbs up.

  15. That’s really well done!

  16. Hyeon-Jung. This looks fantastic !

  17. Excellent build mate! Really impressive paint work and paneling!

  18. That one is a fantastic build - I love everything about it - the paint, the weathering, the details (and the scale!). Well done - love it!

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