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Jay Mitchell
34 articles

My Photo collection

November 14, 2020 · in Photo Collections · · 17 · 1.9K
This article is part of a series:
  1. My Photo collection
  2. F-100 Super Sabre pictures
  3. A-7 Corsair II
  4. Miscellaneous

I started collecting photographs of aircraft in the 1980s when I was in the military. at the time I had access to hundreds of old Negatives snd also a fully equipped darkroom. Since then I just get them when I happen to come across them.

Thanks to Spiros @fiveten and Erik@airbum for their kind words and suggestions on posting these photos.

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

17 responses

  1. Those pics are absolutely AMAZING, Jay @ssgt!
    And what a story behind them! Those pics would have never seen the light of day, shouldn't it be you!
    Thanks for sharing and please bring more on!

  2. Love the mascots.

  3. What is it with those 30's observation planes, was there a rule they had to be ugly and dumpy? Not just ours, but other guy's too. Great pics, thanks.

  4. That shot of the North American O-47 with the dogs in the cockpit is an excellent reference photo. If they ever release a 48 I'll be prepared. Thanks.

  5. Nice pics Jay, and in reference to the O-47, there's one on display at the USAF Museum in Dayton

  6. Thanks for sharing. Please share more as they are such a piece of history.

  7. Thanks for posting these pics! Really liked the mascot pic and the pic of the O-47 with the Texan style rudder. At one point had an O-47 close by at the Combat Air Museum in Topeka, but unfortunately it got moved away. Hope it's getting restored.

  8. I have never heard of an O-47. Thanks for helping me with my goal of learning something new every day.

    • Glad I could help you learn something new with this posting, Greg @gwfabian . The O-47 doesn’t seem to have the same curb appeal of many other aircraft, still, I hope one day it will be immortalized in plastic form.

  9. These are some great photos of planes you don't usually see, Jay (@ssgt). Some of the observation planes have certainly been well used and in need of some paint touch up. Thanks for sharing these really cool pics.

  10. Great and rare photos, I love the mascot photo.

  11. Love it! Keep posting...!

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