Trumpeter 1:48 Scale SM-79 "Sparviero"

November 24, 2020 · in Uncategorized · · 11 · 2.5K

Not one of my favorite models to say the least.

This one has been hanging out on the "Shelf of DOOM?" for more than a few years. Looking at it every once in a while, starting in on it...and then putting it back. Love the plane though, just not this kit.

Classic airframes released one years ago, and that while more accurate in shape, and more interior detail, the kit was even tougher to stay focused on.

Anyway, hopefully a better choice will come along one day, I doubt that, but one can dream.

Used the kit's decals which were so-so. Screwed up the numbers on the port side, and had to rebuild them for the starboard side using bits and pieces from different decals sets to remake the letters and numbers. Fun.

Still have weathering, touch ups, fiddlies and she'll be finished too. First two pics are before clear coats, the second two, after.

I used True Details resin wheels, re-worked the guy wires on the tail planes to the correct configurations, custom mixed Tamiya Acrylics,

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. Got the same kit unbuilt, Frederick.
    Looks so promising in the box, but I've heard some complaints from fellow modelers...
    Yours looks excellent and I love the blotched camo!

  2. Great work on this "pig in a poke" kit. You're right the CA kit is even harder, though better. Dream on about a good kit, but don't hold your breath or you'll turn blue and die, and we can't have that, Freddie.

  3. Frederick, I’ve heard the sirens song too when this kit came out. Bought it along with some goodies. After several years in the stash as a result of opening the box and calculating the amount of styrene sheet I needed to scratch interior parts I ended up giving it away to someone who might rose to the challenge.
    Looking at your nearly complete Sparviero you had more guts and talent than I did. Well done

  4. I can see a trend here. I also have one in the stash with some "bling" and aftermarket decals. For some reason I quite like the real plane with its hunched stance but I keep putting it back in the stash. I do however really like what you have done with this build. It will look impressive when you are finished.

  5. Came out looking very nice - love the camo scheme you applied. I love this a/c and will build my 1/72 version soon...

  6. Add me to the list of modelers with this kit in their stash. I'm just too chicken to open the box. Frederick, your work makes the model look quite good.



  7. Sorry to break the trend, but unfortunately it is not in my stash yet, although this is my favorite Italian plane.
    You build it with the most beautiful scheme, Frederick.

  8. Splotches look great. Push her through.

  9. I like the engine cowlings! Are the splotched done by hand or is there a stencil available? Can't wait to see it with the window masks removed!

  10. What Josh said about cowlings & mask reveal! Appreciate the honest workbench pics... very neat compared to mine. 😉

  11. It's something how that is for some kits. You are doing a great job, but sometimes just have to push through. I built the Trumpeter Fw-200 a really cool looking plane and while it was an okay kit it wasn't a fun kit. I have only finished one ESCI kit in my life...something about them makes them unbuildable for me. Keep on plugging along though Josh, it really is looking great!

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