Year in review. The year to forget 2020.
Finally got some Modeling Mojo, for a bad reason. Was not working during the original Covid lockdown, so I actually built some models. Amazing how much more energy one has when he is not getting up at 5:00 5 days. So I actually have a year end review for 2020. The only one done after my return was the KV.
Also picked up a new technique this year, the "marbling" painting method. Will be using this from now on.
So have a safe and Happy New Year fellow plastic huggers, see ya on the other side.
A very nice collection, Bill.
Seems like you have used that modelling mojo to its full extend.
Whattaya know? Koppos can too build great models! Rumors to the contrary are ... rumors.
Very nice models, done to the Koppos Standard of Excellence.
Great work! What you accomplished at the bench in 2020 is worth of repetition! Some things are not that good this year! Stay healthy, Bill! @billkoppos
A great body of work!
I like to call the marbling method the "pretend to be a little scale man" method.
Congratulations on your builds, Bill!
Love them all!
Great production, Bill!
Wish I could build that many excellent models in a year. I have finished two and have three in limbo. Well done.
Tool a look at your stuff-quality trumps quantity. That Sparrowhawk is great and I know how much work it is.
A very productive year, Bill, keep that mojo working in 2021.
Thanks guys. Keep on stickin' pieces together. 'Tis a golden age of modeling we're living in.
Nice group of models Bill, hopefully 2021 will be a better year for all of us. Happy New Year to you and your family.
Great effort for the year! Keep 'em coming (don't lose that mojo...!)