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Tom Bebout
143 articles

1/48 Hasegawa P-47D-25

January 30, 2021 · in Aviation · · 10 · 2K

The latest off the bench for 2021 and my addition to what seems to be Hasegawa P-47 week on iModeler. I won't bore you with all that has been written about this kit, as it's well known by now. It doesn't have the great detail of Tamiya's offerings but it can be finished into a good looking P-47. I was interested in doing a model of "Oh Johnnie" as flown by Lt Raymond Knight of the 350th FG. He would be the last AAF airman to receive the Medal of Honor in WWII. The full citation and his photo can be viewed here:

Many thanks to Louis Gardner for supplying this kit and also to Norris Graser for information about the color scheme of Lt Knight's A/C. Much appreciated gentlemen, and if interested Mr Graser has some great decals for P-47's at his website,

I build this kit pretty much OOB, but added an Untracast seat and some gun barrels from Master Models. She's painted in Tamiya RAF Dark Green over Medium Sea Grey and the decals are from Eagle Cals. A Pitt Pen was used to highlight some panel lines, an Prismacolor silver pencil for wear and nylon thread for the antenna. All in all an enjoyable build and believe it or not, there is some clearance between the belly tank and the ground. But not much.

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. My compliments for this fantastic build, Tom.
    Not just because of the name ;-).
    Weathering results from that silver pencil look great, definitely need to give this approach a try as well.

  2. Beautiful job Tom @tom-bebout. Love the paint and finish on this bird. BTW, Knight was from my hometown and is interned at the Houston Memorial Cemetery here in Texas.

  3. Great looking T'bolt, Tom. Nice job.

  4. Wow I thought at first it was real .Fantastic job

  5. Tom,
    I’m so very happy that you have done such a wonderful job with building this kit up. As usual you have done an outstanding job on both the model and by telling the story about the man who flew this machine. I will definitely be taking a closer look at the website for Mr. Grasser.

    Well done my friend. I pressed the liked button too. πŸ™‚

  6. Very nice and different...I like it

  7. I love it too, Tom.
    Looks absolutely gorgeous!

  8. Another really nice Tom Bebout Productions Ltd. creation!

    I guess I musta started something. πŸ™‚

  9. πŸ™‚ ... Greetings ... πŸ™‚ :
    Always did like the P-47, this one is no exception ... very nice work on it Tom.

  10. Nice T-Bolt, and very unique markings. Well done.

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