Once again I came up with my own camouflage scheme. The funnest part of the whole build was the weathering. The shelves also arrived at my new house so my model stash doesn’t have to be on the floor anymore. My smaller dog had a great time burrowing around and exploring them.
Cute little hound
Saw this one on Instagram! Well done. Also, I love your little dog.
That's actually quite close to the general scheme, of which there was no "firm rule."
Nice work, Amari. Your skill level is constantly improving.
Nice Tiger, cute pup!
Nice work, Amari @themturtles!
Love the scheme! Your own interpretation reminds me of my younger days, when I was painting my models with my own camos, close to the real ones, but, still, "My Way". It was an utterly joyful experience!
Your dog will miss burrowing around your kits, now that they are on the shelves!
🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
Very commendable job Amari. It really shows your growth in this model world.
As per the camouflage, as fellow modeler Tom already stated ... there was no "FIRM RULE"
or "OFFICIAL PATTERN" to follow, as long as the standard colors were used.
So as you can see ... you did well. I say she could be a a good start on a diorama.