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dale travis
74 articles

Spitfire Mk V, Tamiya

January 8, 2021 · in Aviation · · 15 · 2.3K

This plane was one a batch of MkI B's converted to a Mk V by inserting a Merlin 45 engine. The actual plane ended up on the bottom of the English Channel courtesy of of Bf 109F on June 22 1941. This model was done 10 years ago and I decided to follow Kyle Koppos's Throw back Thursday theme and post the old photos.

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7  Awesome

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. Nice, Dale. That’s still a great kit.

  2. Indeed, it proves your talent isn’t new found Dale, a very solid build overall. On the other hand (literally) I do hope your taste in manicure has improved ?

  3. Once a great model, always a great model.

  4. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Happy New years to all !
    Looking forward to another great model show here in this forum.
    Dale ... ain't it quite peculiar how somethings look better as age goes by ?
    This model is a very good testament to this effect.
    Time has passed her by and this model still shines a bright image in the Spitfire galore.
    Job well done.

  5. Looks absolutely amazing, Dale!
    Love the cockpit, painting and (definitely) the weathering.
    Time was gentle on your finished model, as it looks like it was finished yesterday.
    It's really nice to see articles of past build models.
    Classic Tam Spits are great kits and are lately offered at almost killer prices her in Greece.
    I might grab an extra couple of them.

    • Thanks much Spiros. Yes they're great kits that can be assembled quickly not like some of the newer ones. I'm working on a Beriev Be-4 and the amount of small delicate parts are mind boggling!

  6. Great build, Dale.
    I also like the weathering of the build, it shows that this Spitfire had quite some flying hours.

  7. That's a great Spit - love the weathering. Fantastic.

  8. Great job! It's amazing how dirty the spitfire got under the fuselage and wings. Where did all that oil come from?

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