Suomi Shark...1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109G-6, Finnish Ilmavoimat

January 26, 2021 · in Aviation · · 10 · 2.6K

All good things come in three, so here´s a third and last 109 for today 😉

Built in 2015. kit, decals (Augsburg Eagles III)

MT-422 was delivered in April 1944 to 1/HLeLv 34, in June 1947 it was transferred to HLeLv 31 were it was in service until January 1954.
The model shows the a/c in 1948. Two other aircraft of this unit were painted in the same camo. Initially the gun pods were removed but later on, the fairings were mounted again with the possibility to re-equip the gondolas with guns. The sharkmouth was on the plane only for a short time and never together with the bat, as often seen in profiles. The bat was added later due to the unit´s role as nightfighters.

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7  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. And a bit of modeling trivia; the pilot of this one later in life became the chairman of IPMS Finland AFAIK. I made the same plane before the sharkmouth.

  2. Yep - just went looking for some Finnish decals for one of my 109s, and couldn't find any. I did find a Hasegawa Finland Postwar G-14 that I might bid on! Wish I could find the sharkmouth decals for 1/72.

  3. Great work and thanks for the markings info.

  4. First time I see a sharkmouthed 109.
    But it looks great on this build, Reinhard.
    Beautiful build and well chosen scheme.

  5. Fantastic!
    Looking great in those Finnish markings, Reinhard!

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