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Martin Gauna
5 articles

Vertol H-21CRevell 1/72

January 21, 2021 · in Aviation · · 15 · 2.6K

This is the H-21C from in 1/72. Nice kit, with some corrections to be made. As was impossible for me to find the discontinued Eduard FE sets (interior and exterior), opted to make some scratch, mostly on the cockpit and some exterior details. The most relevant exterior detail on my opinion was the side mirrors, as it adds a lot to the looks of the cockpit. Paint was really straight forward, chosen a mid-use . The scheme was one of the provided on the box and unfortunately the decals showed its age. Tried to be careful but couldn't avoid some silvering. In the end, turned out looking ok and have the 1/48 version WITH PE this time for the future πŸ˜€

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14  Awesome

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15 responses

  1. Beautiful work on a not so often seen build, Martin.
    Incredible detailing and so many fragile parts.

  2. This is a wonderful build, Martin!
    Love your scratchbuilds: they add up to the final looks.
    Looking forward to your quarterscale one!

  3. Great! I do like the amount of detail you have scratchbuilt into this small scale. Well done Martin (@valkyriepm)! Now, you said 1/48 coming up - can't wait for that one.

  4. Great work on this weird looking aircraft, your extra work has really brought it up to scratch, definitely liked.

  5. Very nice! Love the paint work on this. Your detail work paid off also. Well done.

  6. Nicely done! Good looking paint scheme.

  7. Hello Martin,
    My compliments for the way you presented your model on IM. It shows the stages very clearly. Makes it very interesting.
    So impressed with this German model. Reason to look deeper into its HEER/LUFTWAFFE history.
    Regards, Dirk

  8. πŸ™‚ ... Greetings ... πŸ™‚ :
    A very convincing model Martin.
    Those extra details added gives this model a unique appeal and stance as well as the nicely applied paint work. Very good subtle weathering.

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