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Graeme Street
18 articles

"Normandie Panther", June 1944 -- Panther A Early w/Zimm + Tons of Extras

March 7, 2024 · in Armor · · 14 · 559

Hey Everyone.

I wanted to share my recently (re)completed work of the A Early from in . I actually finished the kit and detail work in 2020 and then painted it and I could not stand how it came out, so it got shelved. I recently brought it back to life and wanted to share it with you.

The Build:

This is the Das Werk Panther with several options for build of an Early Panther A. This is the first Das Werk kit I have built and if I am correct it's really a Takom co-produced kit, which is fine with me. In general I like Takom, so I was excited for the kit. The build was for the most part stress free. Good fit for pretty much everything. However, I wanted to do mine with Zimmerit, and although Das Werk had add on zimm apllication, I could not get it with the little problems we had globally in 2020. He, hem. So, I had to go about making it on my own.

Zimmerit: I had done zimmerit a few times before on a 1/16 Jagdpanther and a 1/35 Tiger, so I was not new to it, BUT that doesn't mean it's still not stressful or challenging. Especially on the Panther as the zimm pattern can be quite unique and challenging. I decided to use Perfect Plastic Putty for the zimm coat. A water based option I had never done before and it worked pretty well I think and once cured and hardened and covered with primer, it was actually a great option. Maybe a little thin here and there, but that's ok with me.

Upgrades: Obviously I "blinged out" this Panther A to a pretty high level. Friul Metal tracks, which need no explanation, they just rock. Quite a bit of resin stowage. Resin rear mounting brackets for the wood plank. The wood plank in resin. Both the track holders are resin upgrades. Resin rear fuel/water jerrycans. Resin turret holders for the tracks. Resin wheels for both the turret and side rack. And an espresso maker for the crew. (Just seeing if you're paying attention.) The ladder you see added I just did and made of brass rod.

Painting and Weathering:

I wanted to depict a Normandy Panther, so it needed a light camo with some form of three tone application. My first round back in 2020 wasn't so good. Too washed out, boring and even though maybe more accurate than my current paint just wasn't interesting or to my liking.

This round I used a very light dark yellow (tamiya) pre and post shaded and highlighted. Simple red-brown and green swirly camo pattern. I purposely left these pretty minimal as I wanted the details to pop through and with too much camo, the details tend to disappear. Weathering was standard washes, some pigments, and some light airbrushing.

The decals on the tracks were NOT EASY to do at all. I had to cut them into as many pieces and one at a time get them into position. But, I think they came out ok in the end and really make the model pop.

The German Zeltbahn were done with green stuff and then hand painted. I did the best I could and have a long way to go with this type of camo, but I think for now it was a good addition and adds some unique things to the model.

Below are some pics for your enjoyment and critique.

That's it my friend. I hope you enjoyed it. Please comment, criticize, and share your thoughts or opinion.

Graeme Street

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome 1 

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. Great looking panther, the zimmerit looks good also. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wonderful Panther, Graeme @graemestreet! šŸ‘ That is really something to be proud of, sir! Great work all around with an equally great result! šŸ‘

  3. You made an impressive entry with this Panther, Graeme @graemestreet
    This build is incredibly detailed, really amazing.
    Welcome to iModeler, definitely love to see some more of your future work.

  4. Great work on this. I love the painting and "weathering."

  5. Outstanding Panther, Graeme. Yes...something to be proud of.

  6. You are being far too modest. This is great work. I would aspire to achieve anything like this.

  7. Thanks for the vote of confidence everyone. There are so many good modelers here on this site I was hesitant to post for quite awhile. Mostly because, like may of us, I model in a vacuum and the only people who see my works are friends and family. You never know. In any case, really glad to be here. I look forward to learning from more of you and will share more work and welcome your feedback. Nice to meet you all. -G

  8. Excellent build.

  9. Yeah man, that's a pretty Hep Cat. Very war weary looking.

  10. Excellent job, Graeme!
    Welcome aboard!

  11. Looks great, Graeme, Iā€™m particularly impressed with all the extra details. Welcome to iModeler.

  12. Spectacular build.

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