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Carl Christensen
50 articles

“der Angriff!”

January 8, 2021 · in Diorama · · 5 · 2.3K

This is an experiment I've been wanting to try for a while, making an explosion with an LED bulb and cotton wool. I'm not as happy with it as I'd hoped, but it works, so I'll go with that. Who knew fluffing up and spraying cotton wool would be so difficult? Having said that, it does give quite a good flame/explosion look.

Anyway, I think the explosion next to the soldiers being blown over by the force of the blast gives it more life and a feeling of it being captured just as the round explodes in the turret.

The switch is under the base. The wire runs up from under the base and onto bottom of tank, and it's nicely hidden behind the wheels.

I am quite happy with the way the figures came out, though researching Africa Korps uniform colours was 'Mission impossible' as there is no apparent definitive answer as they vary so much. I just went with one I liked that combined the light green jacket and tan trousers.

Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

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5 responses

  1. Looks pretty darn good to me! Nicely executed. Great choice on the figures - I think they look about right, but I'm no expert on ground troops...If you like them, that's all the counts really!

  2. Looks great to my eyes too, Carl!
    Excellent build, painting and weathering.
    Great choice of figures, too!
    The blast effect is highly realistic.
    Happy New Year!

  3. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    To be honest with you ... I am having FUN just looking at this diorama.
    I love dioramas, the story in this one just blows out ( no pun intended ).
    One can feel you had fun doing this project.
    Nice work overall and a good use of skills Carl, thank you for sharing this diorama with us.
    Hope too see more.

  4. That's very realistic, and the way you have posed the figures makes it really work.

  5. .

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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