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Scott Nelson
134 articles

Arma Hobby PZL P-11c

February 2, 2021 · in Aviation · · 10 · 3.2K

Here's my P-11c. This is a nice little kit, although I think the panel lines on the wings are overdone. The fuselage and interior are excellent. A nice interior with PE is provided in this “Expert” edition. You will need to look carefully to see all of it because the cockpit opening is small. You also get canopy and wheel masks plus decals for four different aircraft. According to the instructions most of the markings were over painted once the war began so if you want some color besides Polish Light Khaki, you will be making a prewar bird. The only thing missing were the landing strut bracing wires, which are easy enough to fabricate.

You get a lot for your money in this one. I just wish the wing panel lines were not so noticeable. I would say the old Heller kit (which I built last year and put next to the Arma kit in the one photo) has more accurate looking wings. But in every other respect, the Arma kit is superior.

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

20 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Nice looking PZL, Scott.
    Although those panel lines are noticeable, you did a very nice job.
    Nice picture where both of them are presented.

  2. These Arma kits are great. I am looking forward to the 1/48 kit. Nice work on this.

  3. Great PZL, Scott!
    Very nice details, like the tiny gunsight and the wheel struts rigging.
    This is a not very often seen subject, a pleasure to see it so well built!
    Also, glad to see all those "modern" very well detailed 1/72 subjects.

  4. Hard to believe it's 1/72 from the pictures, Scott, really neat work. Definitely liked.

  5. Beautiful model, and I don’t think the wing lines are that much overdone, judging by your photos. The real plane had rather “brutish” look about its construction so probably Arma did a good job overall.
    I really look forward to see them upscale their Hurribomber. Thumbs up!

  6. Great work Scott. I agree with Pedro. The panel lines look well done. I also love ARMA kits.

  7. Thanks for the compliments, everyone! Much appreciated!

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