Bomber Killer…1/48 Focke-Wulf Fw190A-8/R6, Jagdgruppe 10

March 13, 2021 · in Aviation · · 6 · 1.8K

Built a couple of years ago. Used a F-8 kit as base. Previously this aircraft was wrongly designated as A-7 but due to some exterior features seen on the pics of the original a/c and the assumed Werknummer, it´s an A-8. Also the fuselage numbers were regarded red but nowadays the opinion is black with red outlines. offered the markings for this a/c previously in one of their three normal 190 books. In their recent Topcolors 38, Fw190 over Europe Pt.II, they included the new version with the black numbers, so my father used these decals. The unusual narrow lined swastika was taken from Eduards 190 Night Fighter dual combo.
For the W.Gr. 21 "Dödel" he first wanted to use the ones from the Eduard kits. But they seemed too thin, so he took some from a Fujimi 109 kit. They seemd a bit too short, so he cut off the front and rear end of Hasegawa 109 Dödel and glued them to the Fujimi Dödel. All the connection struts to the wings were done with plastic beams, was fun to do, to arrange them in all directions... The ignition wires were done with lead wire. As usual Gunze and Tamiya Acrylics used. Wheels were donated from a Hasegawa kit because as you may know, Tamiya´s 190 wheels are too small in diameter.

The model shows an aircraft of 3./JGr 10, Germany in January 1945.

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6  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. Absolutely superb modelling...Congratulations!

  2. This is pure excellence, Reinhard!
    Congratulations on the research, too!

  3. Great build, Reinhard.
    The snake looks very good on it.

  4. I've always liked the earlier "pure fighter" variants like up through the A-5 but you guys are helping to give me a greater appreciation for the later A-models too. I really like the low-level head-on view of the bombed-up '190 you guys posted the other day. Different colors for the big and smaller bombs added interest for me too. Your Dad's work and your photography are always inspirational.

  5. Great looks on this Butcher Bird Reinhard, nice Würger!

  6. Lovely as always!

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