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Hans Peter Tschanz
92 articles

Starfighter F-104 Evaluation Swiss Air Force

March 31, 2021 · in Aviation · · 6 · 1.9K

As one of the first European countries, the Swiss Air Force was able to test various aircraft in the USA, including the Chance Vought F-8U-1 CRUSADER,
Grumman F-11F-1F SUPERTIGER, Douglas A-4D-2 SKYHAWK
and finally the Lockheed F-104A STARFIGTHER.
Kit: 1:32
Best regards
Hans Peter

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

6 responses

  1. Great work on an older kit, Hans.

  2. Great colour scheme on this one, much better than the German version in my opinion, definitely liked.

  3. A great build, Hans Peter.
    An unusual but attractive scheme.

  4. This is a wonderful build of the classic Hasegawa kit, my friend @messerschmitt!
    Love your painting, all extra details added, as well as the amazing NMF weathered rendition of the aft fuselage part.

  5. That's a real standout in those orange pajamas!

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